Introduction: Assembling the Seeed Rover Kit
The following Instructable tutorial provides step-by-step instructions for assembling the Seeed Rover Kit for the Intel Edison
Step 1: Materials
The kit should come with the following parts as shown in the picture:
- 1 x LiPo Battery
- 1 x LiPo Battery Charger
- 1 x LiPo Battery Charging Bag
- 1 x LiPo Battery Low Voltage Alarm
- 1 x Intel Edison w. Arduino Breakout Board
- 1 x Breakout Shield
- 2 x Motor Controllers
- 2 x Motor Controller Wires
- 1 x Motor Power Supply Cable
- 1 x Board Power Supply Cable
- 1 x Acrylic Mounting Plate
- 1 x Assembled Chassis with 4 x Motors
- 1 x Aluminum Mounting Plate
- 4 x Wheels
- Various mounting hardware (Nuts, Bolts, etc.)
Step 2: Main Chassis
The main chassis is already assembled out of the box. Simply group the colored wires together for easy access in later steps.
Step 3: Mounting the Electronics
Mount all the electronics onto the provided acrylic plate. If the mounting holes are not perfectly aligned, try to tighten only the ones that are aligned and leave the rest empty.
Please note that the switch between the USB ports should be positioned closer to the USB A port (the largest USB port). This is because we will be loading the firmware later via a USB stick, thus we need to enable the USB host. The picture above shows the switch in the opposite position.
Step 4: Assembling the Power Cable
The LiPo battery pack splits its output between the onboard electronics and the motors. Assemble the power splitting cable as shown in the picture.
Step 5: Installing the Electronics
Before installing the electronics mounting plate onto the chassis, put the motor wires and the power wires through the hole, as shown in the picture. Note the position of the motor controller terminals, it will be more convenient to route the motor wires closer.
Step 6: Connecting the Wires
There are 8 motor wires in total (2 for each motor), and they are color coded in pairs (Green, Blue, Red, Yellow).
Loosen the screw terminals with the colored stickers and insert the colored wire pairs accordingly.
Remember to check for the correct polarity (PCB should have markings to indicate +ve/-ve, with red being +ve and black being -ve)
On the opposite side of the motor controllers, connect the power supply cables, with red being +ve and black being -ve.
After all the wires are connected, tighten the terminals to prevent the wires from disconnecting. If you are having trouble inserting the wires, you can make the wires thinner with an utility knife.
Step 7: Installing the Shield
Insert the breakout shield onto the breakout board. After that, connect the motor controllers to the breakout shield. Remember to use the ports D2 and D7, as the included firmware uses these two ports for PWM output to drive the motors.
Step 8: Mounting the Aluminum Plate
Secure the electronics by installing 4 brass connectors; these should go through the acrylic mounting plate and secured onto the main chassis. After that, install the aluminum mounting plate on top with 4 metal screws.
Step 9: Flashing the Firmware
There are 2 steps to flashing the firmware, first we want to write the firmware onto a USB drive (must be at least 4GB in size), then we will insert the USB drive into the Intel Edison breakout board and perform the firmware flashing.
Preparing The USB Drive:
- Download the firmware file from
- Extract the zip file to a desired location, the extracted file should be named ismc2.bin
- Copy the file over to your USB drive with the following command (Linux/OS X):
dd if=/<PATH TO FIRMWARE>/ismc2.bin of=/<USB DRIVE VOLUME>/ismc2.bin bs=4096;sync;
Flashing The Firmware:
- Insert the USB drive into the board (ensure the switch is positioned closer to the USB A port)
- Connect power to the Intel Edison Breakout Board
- Connect a micro USB cable to the bottom micro USB port
- Open a terminal (Linux/OS X) and connect to the Intel Edison using the following command:
- screen /dev/tty.usbserial-XXXXXXX 115200 -L
- *use tab to autocomplete the serial device name
- Login as root (password is empty)
- Mount the USB drive with the following command:
- mount /dev/sda1 /media/sdcard
- Copy the firmware file onto the Intel Edison using the following command:
- dd if=/media/sdcard/ismc2.bin of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=1M;sync;/sbin/reboot;
- Let the flashing process finish and reboot, login again as root (password is now ismc2015)
- Run the configure script with the following command:
- ./
- Follow the instructions to configure your wireless access point. The resulting access point will be appended with the letters _AP (e.g. SSID: 123456789_AP , PWD: 123456789pp)
Step 10: Installing the Wheels
Connect the 4 wheels onto the drive shafts, make sure the hex shape fits before tightening the screw. The wheel will block the USB ports so make sure to install them last.
Step 11: Charging the Battery
Connect the battery to the charger: there is a smaller connecter that has 3 pins, this is the connector to use with the charger.
When charging the LiPo battery, place the battery inside the LiPo charging bag. This will help protect you in case the battery explodes or catches on fire.
When all three lights on the charger turn green, the LiPo battery is fully charged.
Step 12: Powering Your Rover
Connect the barrel connector to the Intel Edison breakout board.
Connect the LiPo battery to the main battery connector.
Connect the LiPo battery charging wires to the low voltage monitor, be sure the leftmost wire is black.
Place the LiPo battery pack on the rover and secure it using zip ties or double sided tape.
Step 13: You're Ready!
Let the rover boot up after connecting power (wait 3-5 minutes).
Connect to the rover's wireless access point with your phone or computer (e.g. SSID: 123456789_AP)
Open a web browser and access the control page (e.g.
Have Fun!