Introduction: Assembling a RS232 to TTL Serial Adapter

About: Father of two active toddlers desperately trying to find the time to build every interesting project from Instructables. Slowly training the kids to love building things. The wife? She thinks we are all crazy.…
Step by step assembly of the RS232 to TTL Serial Adapter kit from

This is a great option for connecting the Arduino or Arduino clone to a plain old serial port. It mates directly with the BBB or RBBB or the pins can be remapped to fit other devices.

Step 1: Resistors

Place the resistors in the R1 (10K, Brown Black Orange), R2 (22K, Red Red Orange), R3(180 Brown Grey Brown), R4(10K Brown Black Orange), R5 (10K Brown Black Orange) spots. Orientation doesn't matter.

Solder them in and clip the leads.

Step 2: The Diode

Place the diode in the D1 spot. There is a black line on the board to show the orientation of the diode. Place the black bar on the diode towards to line on the board.

Step 3: Capacitors

The capacitors are placed in the C1 and C2 spots. Orientation does not matter.

Step 4: The DB9 Connection

Slide the board between the lugs of the DB9 connector. Note there are 4 pads on one side of the board and 5 on the other. These match the lugs on the connectors. Solder it up.

Step 5: The Chip

Add in the chip. You will need to squeeze the legs in a bit to get it to fit. Pay attention to the orientation. The notch on the chip should match the notch in the picture on the board.

Step 6: The Headers

At this point you may add whatever header style you wish, male or female, in whatever configuration you wish, up or down, straight or 90 degree bend.

The kit comes with straight male headers.

In this configuration you may plug this directly into a RBBB or BBB.

Step 7: Header Options

If you wish to use a device with different pinouts than the BBB or the RBBB you may cut the traces between the first and second line of header holes. Then simply pace jumpers to match the needed pin configuration.

Step 8: Connect It!

Shown here is the adapter connected to a RBBB.

Good luck and happy coding!