Introduction: At Home Express Manicure

About: Beauty Artist in the San Francisco Bay Area specializing in hair, makeup and beauty. Follow me on Instagram @stylemeperri Like me on Facebook

Hi Everyone! Have you ever needed to give your hands some love, but don't have the time to go to the nail salon? Depending on your skills at nail polishing, this is so quick and simple and can be done while watching TV. Or better yet, have someone with a steady hand do this for you! Service trade anyone?

Your hands will feel refreshed and look great!

Step 1: Supplies


Cotton Swab

Nail Clippers

Cuticle Trimmers (optional)

Nail File

Polish Remover

Base Coat, Polish and Top Coat

Hand Cream

Step 2: Trim and Shape

Using the nail clippers, clip your nails to the desired length. Shape with the nail file. Round, square whatever your desire! If you are an avid nail salon patron, just follow the shape your nail tech does. If they just need shaping, go ahead and just use the nail file to shape.

Step 3: Trim Cuticles

A huge rule for this step is: If it's not hanging loose, leave it.

Nip any cuticle or skin surrounding your nail as close as you can without cutting yourself. With cuticle nippers, it's really easy to get really close to the finger, but be aware, it's also very easy to get too close and cut yourself. If you don't have cuticle nippers or are not comfortable using them, go ahead an use the nail clippers for this and do your best. It may take a few tries to get all of the loose skin.

Step 4: Massage

After dispensing the hang cream, rub your hands and give yourself a nice hand massage. There's really no wrong way to do this, just do whatever feels good. I've shown a few of the moves I do moving from top left and going clock-wise: massage the back of the hand between the bones that make up your palm, massage the fingers, using the thumb go in circles around the palm, massage the pressure point between the thumb and index finger.

Step 5: Polish!

This step may skipped if you're really low on time. Perfectly fine to finish the mani after the massage, you might just be too relaxed to want to do anything else!

Apply 1 layer of base coat, 2 layers of polish and 1 layer of top coat to finish.

Enjoy this between your nail salon visits or regularly and your hands will be looking fabulous all Winter long! Thanks for reading!

Step 6: Done!