Introduction: Atari Combat: Tank Vb 2010

This is my first instructable so bear with me... for my vb final i decided to program atari combat tank everything worked out other than when i hit a barricade the tanks r unable to move...

Step 1: Open VB2010

Open Visual Basic 2010 and select new project name the project anything you want i just kept mine as windowsapplication1 make sure Windows Forms Application is selected and click OK

Step 2: Designing the Form

on form 1 you will need a button.... on my form i added 3 labels and 2 pictureboxes

Step 3: Form 1 Code

double click the button to show the code and add the following:


Step 4: Adding Form 2

to add a new form go to the menu strip item "project" and select "Add Windows Form" and select "Windows Form" name it what you want and click "add"

Step 5: Form 2 Design

add 16 timers 2 labels and 11 pictureboxes

place 9 pictureboxes at the bottom of the form and place one picturebox at the middle left and middle right of the form

place the labels at the top left and top right of the form

Step 6: Form 2 Propertys

select form 2 and click the property's toolbar on the right side of the form.

select backcolor and change it to 0, 64, 0 or a dark green

change forecolor to transparent

change formborderstyle to fixedtoolwindow

change start position to center screen

and window state to maximized

Step 7: Label Property's

select the label on the left side and change the following:

backcolor: transparent

borderstyle: none

font: IMPACT, 24pt

forecolor: red

text: 0

name: rs

location: 7, 14

autosize: false

size: 57,57

do the same for the label on the right but change the color to blue and name to bs

Step 8: Picturebox Property's

change the property's for the the picturebox on the left:

backcolor: backcolor of form2

image: download the red tank in the picture above... and that will be the red tank

name: tank1

location: 16, 517

size: 30,30

change the picturebox property's on the right to the same as on the left except the following:

image download the blue tank in the picture above... that will be the blue tank

location: 1644, 517

name: tank2

for the first four pictureboxes at the bottom of the form change the following:

backcolor: download the red tank pictures above

name: name them as the notes in the pictures above

Step 9: The Code: Dimensions

just under public class add this code ,,, these are the variables we will use later in the code

'we will use k to tell us the direction the tank2 is facing

Dim k As Integer = 4 'tank2 side counter

'we will use s to tell us the direction of tank1

Dim s As Integer = 3 'tank1 side counter

'b(17) is an object array there is not much online about object arrays so if i get enough attention i might make an 'instructable on it

Dim b(17) As PictureBox 'picturebox array

'bt/rt is used to detect if both tank hit the border

Dim bt As Boolean = False

Dim rt As Boolean = False

Step 10: The Code:tank_vs_tank_keyup

key up is a handler that detects when a key is let up

double click form2 and select the declaration toolbar at the top of the code and select keyup
add the following code after the dimensions:

Select Case e.KeyCode
Case Is = Keys.W

Timer9.Enabled = False 'stops tank move when w key up

Case Is = Keys.S

Timer10.Enabled = False 'stops tank move when s key up

Case Is = Keys.D

Timer11.Enabled = False 'stops tank move when d key up

Case Is = Keys.A

Timer12.Enabled = False 'stops tank move when a key up

Case Is = Keys.ControlKey 'shoots

If s = 1 Then Timer1.Enabled = True 'detects if tank1 face right

If s = 2 Then Timer2.Enabled = True 'detects if tank1 face left

If s = 3 Then Timer3.Enabled = True 'detects if tank1 face up

If s = 4 Then Timer4.Enabled = True 'detects if tank1 face down

End Select

'left tank

Select Case e.KeyCode

Case Is = Keys.Up

Timer13.Enabled = False 'stops tank move when up key up

Case Is = Keys.Down

Timer14.Enabled = False 'stops tank move when down key up

Case Is = Keys.Left

Timer15.Enabled = False 'stops tank move when left key up

Case Is = Keys.Right

Timer16.Enabled = False 'stops tank move when right key up

Case Is = Keys.Enter 'shoots

If k = 1 Then Timer5.Enabled = True 'detects if tank2 face right

If k = 2 Then Timer6.Enabled = True 'detects if tank2 face left

If k = 3 Then Timer7.Enabled = True 'detects if tank2 face up

If k = 4 Then Timer8.Enabled = True 'detects if tank1 face down

End Select

Step 11: The Code: Object Array

the following is code for 17 pictureboxes... these will act as our blocks the code will go after the private sub statment

"Private Sub Tank_VS_Tank_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load"

For i = 1 To 17

b(i) = New PictureBox 'adds new picbox

b(i).Visible = True 'makes block visible

b(i).BackColor = Color.Khaki 'makes color of blocker khaki

Me.Controls.Add(b(i)) 'adds tank blockers


With b(1) 'size and place block 1

.Height = 22

.Width = 100

.Left = 81

.Top = 138

End With

With b(2) 'size and place block 2

.Height = 200

.Width = 22

.Left = 159

.Top = 159

End With

With b(3) 'size and place block 3

.Height = 200

.Width = 22

.Top = 350

.Left = 159

End With

With b(4) 'size and place block 4

.Height = 22

.Width = 100

.Left = 81

.Top = 550

End With

With b(5) 'size and place block 5

.Height = 22

.Width = 100

.Left = 404

.Top = 0

End With

With b(6) 'size and place block 6

.Height = 200

.Width = 22

.Left = 443

.Top = 22

End With

With b(7) 'size and place block 7

.Height = 200

.Width = 23

.Left = 443

.Top = 484

End With

With b(8) 'size and place block 8

.Height = 22

.Width = 100

.Top = 680

.Left = 404

End With

With b(9) 'size and place block 9

.Height = 200

.Width = 22

.Left = 631

.Top = 253

End With

With b(10) 'size and place block 10

.Height = 22

.Width = 100

.Left = 802

.Top = 0

End With

With b(11) 'size and place block 11

.Height = 200

.Width = 22

.Left = 841

.Top = 22

End With

With b(12) 'size and place block 12

.Height = 200

.Width = 22

.Left = 841

.Top = 484

End With

With b(13) 'size and place block 13

.Height = 22

.Width = 100

.Left = 802

.Top = 680

End With

With b(14) 'size and place block 14

.Height = 22

.Width = 100

.Left = 1125

.Top = 137

End With

With b(15) 'size and place block 15

.Height = 200

.Width = 22

.Left = 1125

.Top = 159

End With

With b(16) 'size and place block 16

.Height = 200

.Width = 22

.Left = 1125

.Top = 350

End With

With b(17) 'size and place block 17

.Height = 22

.Width = 100

.Left = 1125

.Top = 550

End With

End Sub

Step 12: The Code: Keydown

key down detects if a key is down the code goes after private sub tank_vs_tank_keydown

select the declarations for the form 1 code and select keydown

Private Sub Tank_VS_Tank_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles Me.KeyDow

'right tank

Select Case e.KeyCode

Case Is = Keys.W 'moves tank1 up and changes the counter to 3 and the image to tank face up

If tank1.Top = Me.Top Then Timer9.Enabled = False

s = 3

Timer9.Enabled = True

Timer10.Enabled = False

Timer11.Enabled = False

Timer12.Enabled = False

tank1.Image = rt1.Image

Case Is = Keys.S 'moves tank1 down and changes the counter to 4 and the image to tank face down

If tank1.Bottom = Me.Bottom Then Timer10.Enabled = False

s = 4

Timer10.Enabled = True

Timer9.Enabled = False

Timer11.Enabled = False

Timer12.Enabled = False

tank1.Image = rt3.Image

Case Is = Keys.D 'moves tank1 right and changes the counter to 1 and the image to tank face right

If tank1.Right = Me.Right Then Timer11.Enabled = False

s = 1

Timer11.Enabled = True

Timer9.Enabled = False

Timer10.Enabled = False

Timer12.Enabled = False

tank1.Image = rt4.Image

Case Is = Keys.A 'moves tank1 left and changes the counter to 2 and the image to tank face left

If tank1.Left = Me.Left Then Timer12.Enabled = False

s = 2

Timer12.Enabled = True

Timer9.Enabled = False

Timer10.Enabled = False

Timer11.Enabled = False

tank1.Image = rt2.Image

Case Is = Keys.P

MsgBox("Paused Press OK to Continue")

End Select

ramo.Left = tank1.Left + 15

ramo.Top = tank1.Top + 13

For re = 1 To 17

If tank1.Bounds.IntersectsWith(b(re).Bounds) Then Timer9.Enabled = False

If tank1.Bounds.IntersectsWith(b(re).Bounds) Then Timer10.Enabled = False

If tank1.Bounds.IntersectsWith(b(re).Bounds) Then Timer11.Enabled = False

If tank1.Bounds.IntersectsWith(b(re).Bounds) Then Timer12.Enabled = False

If tank1.Bounds.IntersectsWith(b(re).Bounds) Then rt = True


If tank1.Top < Me.Top + 15 Then tank1.Top += 6

If tank1.Bottom > Me.Bottom - 35 Then tank1.Top -= 6

If tank1.Right > Me.Right - 15 Then tank1.Left -= 6

If tank1.Left < Me.Left + 10 Then tank1.Left += 6

'left tank

Select Case e.KeyCode

Case Is = Keys.Up 'moves tank2 up and changes the counter to 4 and the image to tank face up

k = 4

Timer13.Enabled = True

Timer14.Enabled = False

Timer15.Enabled = False

Timer16.Enabled = False

tank2.Image = bt1.Image

Case Is = Keys.Down 'moves tank2 down and changes the counter to 3 and the image to tank face down

k = 3

Timer14.Enabled = True

Timer15.Enabled = False

Timer16.Enabled = False

Timer13.Enabled = False

tank2.Image = bt3.Image

Case Is = Keys.Left 'moves tank2 right and changes the counter to 1 and the image to tank face right

k = 1

Timer15.Enabled = True

Timer16.Enabled = False

Timer13.Enabled = False

Timer14.Enabled = False

tank2.Image = bt2.Image

Case Is = Keys.Right 'moves tank2 left and changes the counter to 2 and the image to tank face left

k = 2

Timer16.Enabled = True

Timer13.Enabled = False

Timer14.Enabled = False

Timer15.Enabled = False

tank2.Image = bt4.Image

End Select

bamo.Left = tank2.Left + 15 'places blue ammo

bamo.Top = tank2.Top + 13

For ree = 1 To 17

If tank2.Bounds.IntersectsWith(b(ree).Bounds) Then Timer13.Enabled = False 'checks if tank2 hits blocks

If tank2.Bounds.IntersectsWith(b(ree).Bounds) Then Timer14.Enabled = False 'checks if tank2 hits blocks

If tank2.Bounds.IntersectsWith(b(ree).Bounds) Then Timer15.Enabled = False 'checks if tank2 hits blocks

If tank2.Bounds.IntersectsWith(b(ree).Bounds) Then Timer16.Enabled = False 'checks if tank2 hits blocks

If tank2.Bounds.IntersectsWith(b(ree).Bounds) Then bt = True


If rt = True And bt = True Then reset()

If tank2.Top < Me.Top + 15 Then tank2.Top += 5

If tank2.Bottom > Me.Bottom + 35 Then tank2.Top -= 5

If tank2.Right > Me.Right - 15 Then tank2.Left -= 5

If tank2.Left < Me.Left + 5 Then tank2.Left += 5

End Sub

Step 13: The Code: Red Bullet

go to the form2 design page and select timers 1 to 4 and press enter

add the following code:

Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick 'fires red ammo right

ramo.Left += 10

If ramo.Bounds.IntersectsWith(tank2.Bounds) Then Timer1.Enabled = False

If ramo.Bounds.IntersectsWith(tank2.Bounds) Then reset()


If ramo.Right > Me.Right Then Timer1.Enabled = False

For rer = 1 To 17

If ramo.Bounds.IntersectsWith(b(rer).Bounds) Then Timer1.Enabled = False


End Sub

Private Sub Timer2_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer2.Tick 'fires red ammo left

ramo.Left -= 10

If ramo.Bounds.IntersectsWith(tank2.Bounds) Then Timer2.Enabled = False


If ramo.Left < Me.Left Then Timer2.Enabled = False

For rere = 1 To 17

If ramo.Bounds.IntersectsWith(b(rere).Bounds) Then Timer2.Enabled = False


End Sub

Private Sub Timer3_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer3.Tick 'fires red ammo up

ramo.Top -= 10

If ramo.Bounds.IntersectsWith(tank2.Bounds) Then Timer3.Enabled = False


If ramo.Top < Me.Top Then Timer3.Enabled = False

For rerer = 1 To 17

If ramo.Bounds.IntersectsWith(b(rerer).Bounds) Then Timer3.Enabled = False


End Sub

Private Sub Timer4_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer4.Tick 'fires red ammo down

ramo.Top += 10

If ramo.Bounds.IntersectsWith(tank2.Bounds) Then Timer4.Enabled = False


If ramo.Bottom > Me.Bottom Then Timer4.Enabled = False

For ri = 1 To 17

If ramo.Bounds.IntersectsWith(b(ri).Bounds) Then Timer4.Enabled = False


End Sub

Step 14: The Code: Blue Bullet

select timers 5 to 8 and press enter

Private Sub Timer5_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer5.Tick 'fires blue ammo left

bamo.Left -= 10

If bamo.Bounds.IntersectsWith(tank1.Bounds) Then Timer5.Enabled = False


If bamo.Left < Me.Left Then Timer5.Enabled = False

For rir = 1 To 17

If bamo.Bounds.IntersectsWith(b(rir).Bounds) Then Timer5.Enabled = False


End Sub

Private Sub Timer6_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer6.Tick 'fires blue ammo right

bamo.Left += 10

If bamo.Bounds.IntersectsWith(tank1.Bounds) Then Timer6.Enabled = False


If bamo.Right > Me.Right Then Timer6.Enabled = False

For riri = 1 To 17

If bamo.Bounds.IntersectsWith(b(riri).Bounds) Then Timer6.Enabled = False


End Sub

Private Sub Timer7_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer7.Tick 'fires blue ammo down

bamo.Top += 10

If bamo.Bounds.IntersectsWith(tank1.Bounds) Then Timer7.Enabled = False 'stops timer


If bamo.Bottom > Me.Bottom Then Timer7.Enabled = False 'if bamo is > form2 bottom ammo

For ririr = 1 To 17

If bamo.Bounds.IntersectsWith(b(ririr).Bounds) Then Timer7.Enabled = False 'detects if bamo hits blocks


End Sub

Private Sub Timer8_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer8.Tick 'fires blue ammo up

bamo.Top -= 10

If bamo.Bounds.IntersectsWith(tank1.Bounds) Then Timer8.Enabled = False 'stops timer


If bamo.Top < Me.Top Then Timer8.Enabled = False 'if bamo is < form2 top ammo

For ririri = 1 To 17

If bamo.Bounds.IntersectsWith(b(ririri).Bounds) Then Timer8.Enabled = False 'detects if bamo hits blocks


End Sub

Step 15: The Code: Red Tank Movement

to move the red tank i use 4 timers each for either up down left or right in form2 design select timers 9-12 and press enter add the following code to each:

Private Sub Timer9_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer9.Tick 'up
tank1.Top -= 5

tank1.Image = rt1.Image

End Sub

Private Sub Timer10_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer10.Tick 'down
tank1.Top += 5

tank1.Image = rt3.Image

End Sub

Private Sub Timer11_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer11.Tick 'left

tank1.Left += 5

tank1.Image = rt4.Image

End Sub

Private Sub Timer12_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer12.Tick 'right

tank1.Left -= 5

tank1.Image = rt2.Image

End Sub

Step 16: The Code: Blue Tank Movement

for the blue tank i did the same except in different timers so in form2 design select timers 13-16 and press enter add the following code to each:

Private Sub Timer13_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer13.Tick 'up
tank2.Top -= 5

tank2.Image = bt1.Image

End Sub

Private Sub Timer14_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer14.Tick


tank2.Top += 5

tank2.Image = bt3.Image

End Sub

Private Sub Timer15_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer15.Tick 'left

tank2.Left -= 5

tank2.Image = bt2.Image

End Sub

Private Sub Timer16_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer16.Tick 'right

tank2.Left += 5

tank2.Image = bt4.Image

End Sub

Step 17: The Code: Suberteens

in my code i had things like: t(), t2(), and reset() those are my subs t() detects if the red ammo hits the form borders or the blue tank; t2() detects if the blue ammo hits the red tank or the form; and reset() resets the game field

heres the code for t():

Private Sub t()
If rambo.Bounds.IntersectsWith(tank2.Bounds) Then tank2.Image = extank.Image

If rambo.Bounds.IntersectsWith(tank2.Bounds) Then tank1.Left = 12

If rambo.Bounds.IntersectsWith(tank2.Bounds) Then tank1.Top = 336

If rambo.Bounds.IntersectsWith(tank2.Bounds) Then tank2.Left = 1233

If rambo.Bounds.IntersectsWith(tank2.Bounds) Then tank2.Top = 336

End Sub

the code for t2():

Private Sub t2()

If bami.Bounds.IntersectsWith(tank1.Bounds) Then tank1.Image = extank.Image

If bami.Bounds.IntersectsWith(tank1.Bounds) Then tank2.Left = 1233

If bami.Bounds.IntersectsWith(tank1.Bounds) Then tank2.Top = 336

If bami.Bounds.IntersectsWith(tank1.Bounds) Then tank1.Left = 12

If bami.Bounds.IntersectsWith(tank1.Bounds) Then tank1.Top = 336

End Sub

the code for reset()

Private Sub reset()

tank1.Left = 12

tank1.Top = 336

tank2.Left = 1233

tank2.Top = 336

bt = False

rt = False

End Sub

Step 18: The End

thanks for looking at my instructable please give feedback