Introduction: Atari IPod Dock

Ive been on instructables for a few years but I never got along to making one. Last week i decided to make a dock for my new iPod Touch, so I figured that i could try making an instructable for it.

Step 1: Supplies

To make the dock you will need the following:
atari game
philips head screwdriver (X head)
flat file & round file (i couldnt find these for the picture)
ipod usb cord (the new one without the release buttons)
glue (i used gorilla glue)
x-acto knife
metal shears (couldnt find these for the picture either)

Step 2: Step 1: Take Apart the Game Cartridge

Begin by removing the screw from the back side of the game cartridge, keep this someplace safe for later. Then use something flat to pry the cartridge open. Once you get it open carefully disassemble the circuit board, keep one of the metal plates from it. You can throw away the rest of the board. Sit everything but the front plastic piece (the one with the sticker on it) aside for later.

Step 3: Step 2: Make a Hole for the Usb Cord

In the middle of the front plate trace the outline of the plug (trace the one that goes into the iPod). Try to get the tracing as close to the center as possible, for this will look much better in the end. Once you have an outline cut it out with the x-acto knife, if you are impatient (like me) try using a dremel tool. When you get a rough shape of the plug begin to use the files to create a hole where the plug can fit snugly into place.

Step 4: Step 3: Fasten the Usb Cord to the Game Case

Use the metal piece you put aside earlier and the metal shears to make 2 small strips of metal. Once you have them cut bend them to where they will hold the usb plug in place. Make sure to check the front side of the plate before bending the metal, you want your plug to be flush with the rest of the plastic, the only thing you want exposed is the metal part of the plug. Use your glue to glue the metal pieces in place, this should hold the plug in place, you could also put glue onto the plug. Put this aside to dry for a while.

Step 5: Step 4:Create a Hole for the Cord to Come Out

On the back plastic plate (the one where the screw was) select a spot on the edge where you want the cord to come out. Using the x-acto knife or file make a indentation that is about the size of the cord.

Step 6: Step 5: Make the Slide Stay Closed

On the last two pieces of plastic (the flap where the system accesses the connections on the cartridge) apply glue to the points where they connect, this should keep stuff out of there. Let this dry thoroughly before the final assembly. Make sure you don't lose the small spring that was attached to these parts, you will need it in the next step.

Step 7: Step 6: Put It All Together

After all of the glue has dried put all of the pieces back together. Tada! you now have yourself a wonderful new iPod dock.