Introduction: Atv Desk Lamp

About: I work in my fathers shop where I have learned everything I know from my first air cannons and 3-wheelers to my more recent etsy items.
*Intent*: In this instructable I wish to show you how to create a piece of personalized and functional art in the form of a desk lamp.

*Background*: About a year ago my brother and I ,whom I work with, bought a worn out 3-wheeler, beautiful she was, but ruined mechanically. My brother convinced me to sell many of the parts until I realized I wished to rebuild her anew. I still owned this one, technically, so I kept the remaining parts. While she was still apart I broke the light and attempted to fix it myself. One thing led to another and I thought I would enjoy a lamp so this project came to fruition.

*Note: this is merely a guideline for this headlight and this sprocket. Each lamp should, and hopefully will, be completely unique.*

*Legal jargon put simply: I will not have on my conscious someone's mistake nor will I take blame for it.*

Step 1: Acquire Parts

-A headlight (mine originated from a 1970 Honda US90 3-wheeler, but many could be used. The one on the left and right are generic headlights that could be harvested from a junk yard)
-a light bulb that can be used with normal wall outlets (I used a 15w Candelabra light, which fittingly is intended for desk lamps)
-a matching socket for your bulb (I used a Candelabra socket, 2-1/8" long phenolic single leg hickey. Don't ask me what half of that means)
-3/4" PVC pipe to use as a holder for the bulb socket
-12 gauge wire
-some sort of feet to prevent scratching on surfaces
-approximately 3 feet of 3/4" wide by 3/16" thick steel blanks
-a sprocket (any will do some just need more work to add feet)

Step 2: Acquire Tools

-flat-head and phillips screw driver
-soldering iron and it's corresponding parts
-wire stripper
-wire cutter
-hot glue gun
-multimeter (optional)
-drill (optional: drill press)
-drill bits capable of drilling steel
-wrench(s) size depends on what bolts you choose
-angle grinder (optional, I used it to clean up the hammer marks from forming the stand)
-sledge hammer (optional, it speeds up the building process)
-rubber mallet or a small ball peen hammer
-tabletop vice
-blow torch (optional: forge)

Step 3: Gut and Wire the Lamp

First you are going to have gain access to the back of the bulb either via a screw like mine or by a rubber cover like the newer ones. Once in you must somehow remove the bulb. On the newer ones a few screws can be undone and it's free, but others require you break the bulb, exercise extreme caution the glass on the front can be broken easily too. Once out remove the glass pieces, base, and wiring; or the bulb, screws, and wiring. To hold the socket I used the Dremel to clean out just enough of the end of an inch of the PVC so it was tight on the bulbs housing. Next I fit the socket in the 3/4" PVC and hot glued it in. The light I am using has a rotary switch built in (if you don't have this skip to the link) so after unsoldering it I used a multimeter to see where the power went in and out. Wiring this is just like wiring any switch so I will suggest another Instructable rather than my explanation of it ( Once wired and attached to the power cord test it by plugging it in and if nothing fails, voilà you are done, close up the light and proceed on.

Step 4: Hold the Light

As I stated in the intro each one of these is unique, and so are their mounting systems so this will only truly work with side mounted lamps. In the first photo I drew around the lamp because that is how I knew I wanted it to be held, a sort of u-shape. I measured around the line and added an inch or so to be safe then cut a piece of flat steel that length. The lamp has 2 threaded holes on either side which I took advantage of by drilling the holes (5/16") in each side of the steel. The whole "u" is held up with a similar steel bar bent on either end with holes as well, to attach the two I drilled a hole in the center if the "u" big enough for a bolt with a wing nut. To bend the first steel flat into the u-shape I heated it red hot in a forge (blow torch works too) and placed it in a vice and wailed on it until it matched the drawing. For the second steel piece I drilled the ends and stuck them in a vice about 3/4". It's is hard to describe exactly the picture speaks clearer than I do (the angles on it are approx 110 and 160 degrees).

Step 5: The Base

I used a gear from the same trike that is bent as it's base. This sprocket worked well because it had an inner and outer set if holes. The outer set of holes I used some cylindrical pieces of plastic (they were laying around, normal feet could be found at a home improvement store) and bore into them enough that the nut from the gear could be pushed into it then bolted back up (if you do not have holes near the edges you could drill some or simply attach the feet with glue). The inner ring I used a single bolt to attach the other bent end of the stand. To finish it off attach the base to the stand, the "u" to the stand, and the lamp to the "u".

Step 6: Use & Enjoy!

To hold the wire I simply wrapped it around the stand and through the base. I hope you enjoyed this Instructable, please favorite and follow to see more of my upcoming ibles. All questions will be answered in the comments, thanks!