Introduction: Audio Player Using Arduino With Micro SD Card

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Many of People want to interface the SD card with arduino or want some audio output via arduino.

So here is easiest and cheapest way to interface SD card with arduino . you can use the audio output from arduino via a switch or sensor .

you can play any type of sound ,music and recording but that audio will be in to .wav file. If it is in .mp3 or any other audio type then we will convert it into .wav file.

Step 1: Components & Requirements

  • arduino uno
  • micro SD card Adapter module
  • micro SD
  • Card Reader
  • Speaker or earphone speaker
  • woofer or amplifier

Step 2: Convert Audio to .wav

Go to the Link to convert the audio into .wav .

  1. Go to The Link
  2. Upload your audio you want to convert to WAV
  3. Change bit resolution to " 8bit ".

  4. Change sampling rate to " 16000Hz ".

  5. Change audio channels " mono " .

  6. Click on " Show advanced options ".

  7. PCM format " unsigned 8 bit ".

  8. Convert file.

At next page click on "direct download link"

Step 3: Prepare SD Card

Download the Zip file and Extract it.

Here you will get the " SD formatter "

install the SD formatter in your PC.

Now, Connect your card with PC via USB card reader.

Open SD card formatter.

Select the drive of sd card then click on format .

In Next Step Open your SD card Drive .

Past the Audio file that we have converted in .wav file

Rename the file to "test.wav".

mirror :-

Step 4: Add Library in Arduino

Open The arduino Software

Click on then Sketch >> Include Library >> Add zip Library

Select "" that is in zip folder.

Step 5: Upload the Codes

Download the code from link below or i have already mentioned in zip file .

Connect your arduino with pc and upload the Codes.

Step 6: Circuit Connections

Insert the card in micro sd adapter module.

Connect the circuit as given below.

CS ---------------------->> 10

SCK ---------------------->> 13

MOSI -------------------->> 11

MISO--------------------->> 12

VCC --------------------->> +5v

GND--------------------->> Arduino's Ground

Speaker Connection

one pin is in to 9 pin of Arduino and other is GND of Arduino

Step 7: Play the Audio

Now , It's Ready...............................

Click Reset button to play audio every time.

By the way, subscribe to my YouTube channel for more projects like this. I also update my upcoming projects on Instagram.

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The OUTPUT sound is very Low so you can use woofer or amplifier for batter Output.