Introduction: Auto Handgel Dispenser With Arduino

this project is based on very simple and easy knowledge, suitable for amateurs, based on open source codes and easy to find components for a very affordable price.

the goal of this project is to keep our hands clean from viruses and other germs in a easy and revolutionary way to prevent virus spread like covid-19

list of components used:

SG90 servos x2

arduino nano x1

4xAA battery holder x1

HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor x1

hot glue gun


zip ties

soldering iron

fishing wire

thanks for watching

good luck for the project

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Dont forget to watch the tutorial on my youtube chanel:


list of components used:

SG90 servos x2

arduino nano x1

4xAA battery holder x1

HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor x1

hot glue gun


zip ties

soldering iron

fishing wire

Step 1: Codes for the Arduino

Just downolad this file and it will automatically work in the arduino app and if it doesn't work just enter the file copy then past the code into the arduino app

Click here

Step 2: Library for the Arduino

You have to copy and past this library and add it to the arduino app as a library if this doesn't work just go to the arduino app tap tools then manage library and search online for "servo" and download the library.if you don't find it at all just google "servo.h "library and download it there is a bunch of website that provide it

Click here


Step 3: Shematics

Just follow this shematic to build your circuit