Introduction: Auto Loading Knex Gun/Pistol With 9 Round Magazine, Now With True Trigger.
This gun was originally made by banana inventor. All I did was put on a true trigger. Credit to banana inventor and whoever originally made that trigger design. The original gun is here:
Step 1: The Handle and Trigger
Just build What is in the picture.
Step 2: The Mag
Again, build whats in the picture. Pretty simple.
Step 3: The Barrel
Ehh, still easy. The middle is just the brown or orange one way connectors Remember which side is which because the bottom has an opening for the trigger.
Step 4: The Rams
These push the ammo in and out.
Step 5: Put It All Together
Very simple.
Step 6: Ammo and Shooting
For the ammo, find some half connectors, the pieces with a rod slot and then the hole, like in the pic.
Load them in the clip and put the pusher in. Pull back the main rod behind the trigger so the trigger goes up. Then pull the trigger to shoot.
Load them in the clip and put the pusher in. Pull back the main rod behind the trigger so the trigger goes up. Then pull the trigger to shoot.
Step 7: Notes (importaint to Some People!)
Once again, credit to banana inventor and the designer of that trigger mechanism. Feel free to modify this gun. A good idea would be to extent the barrel on the back so the ram rod doesn't come out when you pull it back too fast. You could also extend the clip. ALSO IMPORTAINT NOTE!! The connector at the front ant top of the barrel is not hooked in. I did that to make the ammo come out of the barrel 'cause the barrel got smaller at the front. Look out for my version of Ddlinx's Wii zapper with an A button mod and clear pics.