Introduction: Autodesk Inventor Wheel Assembly

This is a tutorial for how to create a wheel assembly on Autodesk Inventor (2019).

Step 1: Model the Base Plate (1 of 2)

1) On the YZ plane, sketch the shape of the right side of the plate

  • The length should be 136mm
  • The height should be 12mm
  • The center indentation is 60mm on top and 48mm on the bottom

2) Extrude the plate 78mm along the Z axis

4) Using the fillet command in the 3D space, round the corners with a radius of 12mm

Step 2: Model the Base Plate (2 of 2)

1) Sketch 4 circles on the Base Plate

  • Circles should be 10mm in diameter
  • As shown in the diagram, they should be 112mm apart along the Z axis, and 54mm apart along the X axis

2) Extrude the circles "through all"

Step 3: Model the Bracket (1 of 3)

1) On the XZ plane, sketch the base of the bracket

  • The length is 37mm
  • The height (along the Z axis) is 78mm
  • Add 2 circles with a 10mm diameter

2) Extrude this piece 10mm

3) Sketch two outer circles of 15mm and extrude these 1mm

Step 4: Model the Bracket (2 of 3)

1) On the YZ plane, sketch the shape as shown

  • The large circle has a radius of 20mm
  • The center circle is 20mm in diameter
  • From the center of the circle to the base piece = 48mm

2) Extrude this 10mm

3) On the back of the bracket, sketch a circle with a radius of 20mm and extrude this piece 2mm

Step 5: Model the Bracket (3 of 3)

1) Under the 3D model tab in the ribbon, activate the XY plane in order to model the third part of this bracket

2) On this plane, sketch a triangle

  • Height = 32mm
  • Length = 20mm

3) Extrude this triangle symmetrical, 15mm

Step 6: Model the Axle (1 of 2)

1) In the YZ plane, sketch the shape with dimensions as shown

Step 7: Model the Axle (2 of 2)

1) Under the 3D Model tab in the ribbon, click "revolve" instead of "extrude"

2) Select the bottom of the sketch, and revolve the sketch fully

Step 8: Model the Wheel (1 of 3)

1) On the XY plane, ketch a circle, diameter of 100mm

2) Choose the offset command under the Sketch tab in the ribbon, and offset a circle with a diameter of 97mm (this will form the 3mm rim of the wheel)

3) Extrude this 38mm

Step 9: Model the Wheel (2 of 3)

1) Sketch another circle from the center point with a diameter of 24mm

2) Again using the offset command, sketch and dimension a circle of 36mm (this will form the inner rim of the wheel)

3) Extrude this 50mm

Step 10: Model the Wheel (3 of 3)

1) Draw a circle of 36mm, snapped to the outside of the wheel's inner rim

2) Draw a circle of 97mm, snapped to the inside of the wheel's outer rim

3) Extrude this 10mm (this forms the inner spoke of the wheel)

4) Create a fillet (R3) on these two circles (outside of inner rim, and inside of outer rim)

Step 11: Assembly: Place the Base Plate

1) Open a Standard mm assembly file in Inventor

2) Using the "Place" command, bring in the base plate. It will come in upright, so rotate it 90 degrees on the X axis

3) Right click and ground the plate on the origin

Step 12: Assembly: Bring in the Other Components

1) Using the "Place" command, bring in 2 brackets, the wheel and the axle

  • Right click before placing the component, to orient the pieces

Step 13: Assembly: Join the Brackets (1 of 2)

1) Using the "Constrain" command under the "Assemble" tab, click the "Insert" command

2) Select a hole on the bracket, and the corresponding circle on the base plate to join the two

Step 14: Assembly: Join the Bracket (2 of 2)

1) Select the "Mate - Flush" constraint, and join the side of the bracket to the side of the base plate

2) Repeat with the second bracket

Step 15: Assembly: Join the Wheel and Axle (1 of 2)

1) Select the "Insert" command under "Constrain"

2) Select the inside circle of the wheel, and the rod portion of the axle to join these two

  • DO NOT press "Apply" yet

Step 16: Assembly: Join the Wheel and Axle (2 of 2)

1) In the offset option, enter 2.5mm

2) Click "Apply"

Step 17: Assembly: Join the Axle to the Bracket (1 of 2)

1) Using the "Insert" command, click the axle and then the circle on the outside of the bracket

  • DO NOT press "Apply" yet

Step 18: Assembly: Join the Axle to the Bracket (2 of 2)

1) In the offset option, enter 3.5mm

2) Click "Apply"

Step 19: Assembly: Save the File

1) Save the file in a folder with all the components

Step 20: Assembly: Finished Product

1) Sit back, relax, and give yourself a round of applause for work well done!