Introduction: Automated Birthday Morning



  1. Arduino CPX with ESP8266 WIFI shield (2 devices).
  2. Smartphone.
  3. Computer.

Step 1: Celebrator Side - Create Blynk Datastreams


Step 2: Celebrator Side - Connecting a Scenario on Make to Blynk Datastream

Step 3: Celebrator Side - Create the Scenario

Step 4: Celebrator Side - Write Arduino Code

please find the attached code

Step 5: Friend Side - Create Blynk Datastream

Step 6: Celebrator Side - on Celebrator Scenario, Add Http Request to the Friend Arudino

Step 7: Friend Side - Create Celebration Invitation Scenario

Step 8: Friend Side - Write Arduino Code

please find the attached code

Step 9: Putting It All Together - Trigger the Pipelines!