Introduction: Automated Garden Watering Using Arduino

How many times have you been "too busy" to water your garden that it now looks like this. Well, not to worry. Here, we have come up with a DIY solution so that you can use your "busy schedule" to do something more productive than watering plants. This idea is very light on the pocket too and requires basic knowledge of electrical engineering and programming an Arduino.

The basic idea is that we make use of a soil moisture sensor to sense whether the soil has sufficient moisture or not. If it has enough water, then the water pump is not activated. But if there is a deficit of moisture in the soil, the water level in the tank is checked using a water level sensor before activating the water pump. If the water level in the tank is low, then the pump is not activated. An LCD is used to indicate the moisture level of the soil, the status of the pump, water level in the tank etc. Let's get right into building it.

Step 1: Components Required

• Arduino UNO

• Moisture sensor (make sure it comes with LM393 driver)

• Water level sensor

• LCD display with I2C (A regular display can be but the program must be changed suitably)

• AC water pump

• Relay Module

• Buzzer

• 4 LEDs (preferably of different colors)

• Resistors for the LEDs (220Ω)

Step 2: Connections

Water Level Sensor to Arduino : GND to GND, +5V to +5V, OUT to A0

Moisture Sensor (pre-connected to driver) : GND to GND, +5V to +5V, OUT to A1

I2C LCD Display to Arduino : GND to GND, +5V to +5V, SDA to A4, SCL to A5 (Also connect back light supply pin to +5V)

Buzzer : + to D2, - to GND

LEDs : As shown is figure.

Relay to Arduino : GND to GND, +5V to +5V, IN to D7

Connect the water pump to the AC source through the relay output with normally closed configuration.

Step 3: Programming the Arduino

The .ino file of the program has been attached. The program is written for the display we used which was a 16x2 I2C LCD. If you have any other display you'll have to make the suitable changes.

Step 4: Video to Demonstrate the Working

Sorry about the dog barking in the video...

Step 5: (Optional) Suggestions

Please feel free to comment below in case of any doubts.

And if you have any ideas and/or suggestions for us, don't hesitate to let us know! It will be greatly appreciated.

Hope you enjoy your gardening..:D