Introduction: Automatic AC With Temperature Sensor

About: I am a Student who loves to create Robots

Dear Friends,

I have made a Automatic AC with temperature sensor, and this project I have made it if the temperature if is getting warmer the motor will turn on and it gives a indication of led that the place is warm or getting hot. And when the the place is getting cold and it gives a green light an turns off the motor.



  1. Arduino Uno 3
  2. Temperature Sensor (TMP36)
  3. DC motor
  4. 1k(ohms) Resistor
  5. 2x Green and Red LED
  6. Breadboard

Step 1: Supplies


  1. Arduino Uno 3
  2. Temperature Sensor (TMP36)
  3. DC motor
  4. 1k(ohms) Resistor
  5. Green and Red LED
  6. Breadboard

Step 2: Step 1: Circuit Diagram

  • I have used temperature sensor and connected it to the Arduino at GND, 5v and data pin using breadboard.
  • I have also used LED's green and red and connected it to the resistors of 1k(ohms) to control the current of led.
  • I have also added motor and connected it to Arduino using breadboard.

Step 3: Step 2: Programming

First in void setup I have wrote the pin no's of the electronics and I wrote serial no. In void loop I have written the code for temperature sensor and then wrote the motor and led.

Please find the below of my tinker card project............