Introduction: Automatic Cup Brush ( Wash )

This machine ( automatic cup brush ) can help you wash your bottle easily, using HC-SR04 and motor ( arduino ) to control and make your life easier.


Motor x1

HC-SR04 x1

bottle x1

sponge x1

straw ( plastic ) x1

card boards x2

Arduino Leonardo x1


Step 1: Steps

  • plug those liner in each position ( graph beside )
  • Cut those card board into L shape x2
  • a base for the machine
  • prepare a cup
  • cut a hole in the straw ( in the middle of the straw )
  • stick the straw with the sponge you prepared
  • lock up with screw on the motor
  • cut 2 hole below the machine to place the Ultrasonic sensor
  • stick those card board together to make a machine
  • place the breadboard inside the box

Step 2: Code