Introduction: Automobile Sensory Board

For Iolani make-it101 we had to make Sensory boards for elderly patients with varying forms of dementia. The sensory board that I made was made to simulate the feeling, sensation, and memories of driving. I picked driving, because it's a common practice and I feel like simulating the feeling of driving will help bring back different memories.

Step 1: Steering Wheel

The steering wheel is made to simulate the feeling of steering while driving. The materials you need for this a threaded metal rod, 6 nuts, 2 washers and a round piece of wood. The tools you will need is a drill and some spray paint if you want color. First you need to find the center of the wooden circle and drill a hole through it a bit bigger than the metal rod. Then you need to drill a hole through the center of the board (or wherever you want attach your steering wheel). Slide the metal rod through the center of the wooden circle and hold it in place using two nuts and a washer. The two nuts should screw against each other to hold the wheel in place without crushing it. Do this on both sides. Make sure to leave room for the wheel to spin. Once the wheel is secured slide it through your board and fasten it there using two nuts. If you decide to spray paint your steering wheel make sure to detach it from the rod first.

Step 2: Knobs and Switches

On the dashboard cars have switches and knobs, these are attached to help simulate the feeling of turning on a radio or adojusting stations. To attach the knobs drill a hole in the board and secure it in place using two nuts and a washer. To attach the switches simply fold out the tabs with holes in them and screw in screws in the holes onto the wood.

Step 3: Clutch

Simulates the feelings of using a clutch in a car. To make this is a bit difficult. You need to drill out a starting hole in the wood and use saw to crave out an S shaped hole. Then take the pole you'll use for your clutch and secure in place using superglue and two pieces of thin wood.

Step 4: Textures

This one is quite simple. For this step simply cut sandpaper into the shape of tire treads and attach it to your board using super glue. You can follow the shape shown or make your own.