Introduction: Avocado With Agave and Lime

About: I helped start Instructables, previously worked in biotech and academic research labs, and have a degree in biology from MIT. Currently head of Product helping young startups at Alchemist Accelerator, previous…
Melting avocado with syrupy goodness.

Step 1: Acquire Ingredients

Very ripe avocado (any variety; this is a Fuerte)
Lime for juicing
Agave nectar

Step 2: Peel and Chop Avocado

Remove peel, and chop the avocado into bite-size pieces. Add to a bowl or rimmed plate.

Step 3: Add Agave and Lime

Cover the avocado in lime juice, then agave nectar to taste.

Step 4: Wait, Then Eat

Wait for the flavors to mingle and the avocado to soften a bit and "melt" into the syrup.
Eat slowly and savor, but be prepared to protect your treat from poachers! This tastes far better than it should.

Step 5: Variation

If you've got good peaches or nectarines, chop them into bite-sized pieces and to the mix. They will melt in and complement the avocado nicely.