Introduction: Awesome Knex Booby Trap!!!

This is a booby trap. i hid it and connected it to my wardrobe door and left the door open and when my dad came in to close it, it triggered the trap and hit him. so awesome trap and it really works. Better versions on the way so subscribe. 

Step 1: The Body

Pic 1 : build this
Pic 2 : build this
Pic 3 : build this and add the parts from pic 1&2
Pic 4 : add the wheel 

Step 2: The Gun

Pic 1 : build this
Pic 2 : build this
Pic 3 : build this
Pic 4 : build this
Pic 5 : build this
Pic 6 : put all the pieces together to make this

Step 3: The Finished Product

Connect the 2 pieces together and you have the finished model now all you have to do is set it up.