Introduction: Awesome Polygonal Mask
This is how to make a Polygon- wired mask thing
Step 1: Go to Google
Just go to Google, and type in "paper poly mask" in the search bar
Step 2: Getting the Files
Click search and click on the first website- and when you get there click on "download this thing" and you will get the files.
Step 3: Printing the Pictures
Make sure you print them on construction paper if you want it good(I made mine out of regular paper) just adjust them to a full page then print them. Once you have printed them, cut the the parts out. You will get three pages of them
Step 4: Putting It Together
Once you have cut it out, fold the dotted lines. Then look at the face provided on the page and glue it to its appropriate place with the tabs.
Step 5: And You're Done!
Now you are done! You can have fun scaring your friends or use it as a last minute Halloween costume!