Introduction: Awsome Minecraft Rollercoaster

About: Electronics and Software Hobbyist. Let's see what I come up with... into #DoctorWho, #ESP8266, #Arduino, #WebDevelopment
I went to my friend's house (Diego) and we were playing Minecraft when we decided to make a rollercoaster.

Step 1: Materials

  • Computer running windows.
  • WinRar
  • Minecraft
  • Time

Step 2: Download the Map

Go ahead and download the map and put it in your desktop.

Step 3: Install the World

  1. Open file exprorer.
  2. Click the adress bar.
  3. Type in " %appdata%".
    Hit enter.
    Open the folder named .minecraft
    Open saves
    Extract your zip here (put the files in the zip here)
    Close it
    Open Minecraft

Step 4: Done!

Now just ride and ride!