Introduction: BADGE Time!
Wanted to make some Badges for the friends of Tecnoateneu de Vilablareix ( is more tan a Hackerspace, is a place where you can share your knowledge, help other people with their own projects, and ask for suppor for your ones.
The first step to design an original colorful Badge is create the schematic circuit: wanted to use the cheap ATtiny85 IC to turn On/Off some colored LEDs using the Charlieplex technique (
Here you have the link to the repository with Gerber files and code:
12 LEDs from different colors are managed by the ATtiny85. You have the schematic attached, and can be used for different Badges because is the same circuit. Just go to PCB Design, place the LEDs on the board, and draw the outline shape of the PCB.
Step 1: Designing.
3D rendering helps to have a glimpse of the PCB as you design. Finally send the Gerber Files to a PCB manufacturer.
When received the PCBs, placed and solder the components.
- Hints: always double-check the connections before start soldering any component.
Solder one PCB first, and chek if everything is working properly. If so, proceed with the others.
Be colorful!: use any type of single-color LED device. Imagination is the limit!
Use 3mm or 5mm, rounded, square or triangular shaped. As long as you solder properly (long leg is "+", short leg is "-") almost any LED Will work. Think of Surface Mounted Devices too!
Choose the color scheme that you like the most, you have 12 LEDs to play with!.
And not to mention that you can choose the color of the PCB mask (Green, black, red, White, transparent, …).
One final recommendation: draw lines and areas in White color in the PCB layout, but leave zones without solder mask: shiny copper or silver is eligible
Step 2: Program the Attiny.
Followed this tutorial to program ATtiny using Arduino IDE and one Arduino UNO or Duemilanove. Love the Atmel for fast prototyping. A perfboard and some soldering will do to make the programmer.
The code is atached.. Modifying or adding new effects is up to you.
Find the schematic and procedure here:
You can also use a STlink programmer.
Step 3: Enjoy It!
Wear the badge using a necklace or a needle.
For future Badges, consider:
Less is More: large badges are not always the best. Smaller ones allows you to be worn in different places.
The use of SMT components: they are Little more expensive, and require some soldering skills, but your Badge Will look cool!
ISP programmer: include contacts to reprogram the microcontroller directly on the Badge.
Let me know about your Badges. I'll be happy to know you found this useful.