Introduction: Robot Made of Broken Joysticks

About: I'm Mario Caicedo Langer (M.C. for short), a Colombian STEAM educator living in Azerbaijan, BSc in Naval Sciences, Master in Toy Design, and former Navy officer. I am a CAD and 3D Printing enthusiast and an ar…

Vibrobots have a good thing and a bad thing. The good thing: You can build a vibrobot even if you're bad in electronics and mechanics. The bad thing: If you only know to build vibrobots, soon you will get bored and frustrated of making always stuff with the same kind of motion.

This is a vibrobot (as the shown in with a LED lighting its eye. The main material are broken joysticks. The lower body is the main part of a broken generic joystick, and the legs and arms are made of the handlers.

I called it the A.N.T. (Armored Nerd Technology). It was made with Genius joysticks (and no Barbie). This time, the eccentric weight is the gaitling gun.

I Made It Photo Contest

Participated in the
I Made It Photo Contest challenge

Participated in the challenge

MakerBot Challenge

Participated in the
MakerBot Challenge

Halloween Photos Challenge

Participated in the
Halloween Photos Challenge

Halloween Decorations Challenge

Participated in the
Halloween Decorations Challenge