Introduction: BAWLS Incense Holder

I tried to make incense holder with an empty bottle of BAWLS.

Step 1: Materials and Tools

Materials are empty bottles of BAWLS.
A necessary tool is an electric drill and a bit of a drill for glass.

Step 2: Drill a Hole

Drill a hole in an empty bottle with an electric drill in such a feeling.
Do it carefully, and you should do it while taking cutting oil. An empty bottle is broken unless I do so it.
You may use CRC-556 or detergent skillful with appetite in substitution for cutting oil.

Step 3: A Reason to Drill a Hole

The reason why I drill a hole is to prevent CO2 from accoumulating.
When CO2 accoumulates in a bottle, fire goes out.

Step 4: A Fixed Method of Incense

I used a ring such as picture for the fixation of incense.
It is enlarged one edge of a ring with pliers.
And a ring is sustained by a code in a bottle.

Step 5: Completion

I put incense which I set fire to in a ring and can enter in a bottle upside down.
Of course it is OK even if it is BAWLS, and there is not an empty bottle.

Thank you for reading my clumsy English.