Introduction: BBC Microbit Flappy Bird Game and Case

This case for a BBC microbit And game for infinite fun!

Step 1: Parts

You will need:
.BBC microbit (with battery pack)
.double sided tape
.this image, (
.this code, (

Step 2: Cutting the Case

To cut the front of the case draw around your microbit (with a pencil) and then cut out the buttons and the screen holes.

To cut the back of the case draw around the front piece (but not the holes in it) and then cut a little ridge like in the picture for the reset, USB and battery port.

And to cut the edge, draw a long 1cm thick line and then cut to size around the back piece

Step 3: Putting the Case Together

First put double sided tape on the long strip and then stick around the outside of the back piece then secure down with normal tape

The other side just sits on top the microbit

Step 4: Flappy Bird Decal

To make the flappy bird decal print out 2 images (at around 7.8cm x 4.1cm).

Now for the back, put double sided tape on and the other side normal tape for a nice finish. Stick on the back and then cut around

For the front draw your piece into the back of the picture and then cut it out. Then put double sided tape on the back like in the picture. For the front side put tape on normally like in the picture...
... and then flip over and put tape on the screen hole to make a screen cover(in the pic)

Then stick it on.

Step 5: Adding Battery Pack

Put a piece of double sided tape on and stick it to the back

Step 6: Putting Flappy Bird on Microbit

The code is on this website(

You need to download it and then take out the internet icon .hex file. I didn't like the way it says "get ready..." before it starts so I opened the hex file in the BBC microbit python website and changed it to just "go"

Step 7: Have Fun!

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