Introduction: BEHOLD... THE HYPNO-MOUSE!!!

About: I'm Mario Caicedo Langer (M.C. for short), a Colombian STEAM educator living in Azerbaijan, BSc in Naval Sciences, Master in Toy Design, and former Navy officer. I am a CAD and 3D Printing enthusiast and an ar…
What can you do with an old mouse, a LP, a piece of nylon and a toy motor?

This is the Hypno-Mouse, one of my first artworks. I use:
  • An old mouse
  • 3V toy motor
  • 2 AA batteries
  • battery box
  • wire
  • switch
  • 2 curtain rings (for the ears)
  • LP acetate disc
  • Nylon piece.
It's simple: the motor axis touches the floor (disc) and makes the mouse to move. And for the spinning effect, tie the mouse to the center of the disc, using the nylon piece.