Introduction: BIG MAC SAUCE – BEST BURGER SAUCE (Quick Tip)

About: This channel is used by my brother and me. We like building and learning new things and want to share it with you! I am the creative part, developing new ideas and doing the research as well as gardening and m…

What makes the Big Mac the most famous burger in the world?

In my opinion it is all about the delicious sauce.

In this tutorial I am going to show you, how to quickly make this sauce on your own.

Step 1: Ingredients

4 parts mayonnaise

4 parts sweet pickle relish buy it quickly from ebay

1 part yellow mustard

1 teaspoon apple vinegar

1 teaspoon garlic powder



paprika powder

Step 2: Mix It All Together

Mix all your ingredients together and taste it. Don`t use too much paprika power, just enough to enhance the colour. In some regions out of the U.S. (like in Austria, where I am studying) it may be really hard to get the relish, so you should buy it online because it is definitely the key ingredient!

Thank you for reading this quick tip. I hope you have enjoyed it.

If you are interested in more delicious food, check out my awesome and easy to cook Quesadillas =)

or my homemade BURGER BUNS