Introduction: BLOW DART PIPE / GUN WITH NEEDLE END (cotton Bud, Needle, Pen)

working blow dart pipe with cotton bud needle and pen

Step 1: Things You Need

you will need clothes pins (ones with little head on) cotton buds and a biro/pen

Step 2:

take the end off one side of the cotton bud and place the clothes needles in the end (up to you how much needle you want to stick out)

Step 3:

squash either side of the cotton bud where the pin head is so pin cannot come in or out

Step 4:

undo your pen/biro then snip one end off if needs be leaving a pipe (note you can use any pipe length doesn't have to be a pen) the longer the pipe the further it will go.

Step 5:

place the cotton bud with pin in one end of the tube aim where you want then blow.

Step 6:

it will stick in most surfaces no problem if you blow hard enough. be careful with it as they can be dangerous I take no responsibility for injuries caused