Introduction: Back to the Future Hoverboard

About: We are 3 friends striving to make people more creative and build things themselves. We three are apart of our schools Pltw Engineering courses. We know how to model on several Autodesk Softwares and we know th…
This is how you can make a simple but awesome BTTF hover board without wasting more than $1.

Step 1: Paper Template

First download then print the paper template of the hoverboard.
Website: (will bring you to a pdf)

Step 2: Base

Find a strong big piece of either cardboard or styrofoam. The paper will be glued onto this.

Step 3: Glue On

Lastly, glue on the pieces of paper nicely onto the base that you are using.
If you want any extra details, some ideas you can put are 2 CDs on the bottom and a strap for your foot on the top.
Thanks for reading and have fun building!