Introduction: Backward Loop Cast on Knitting Tutorial

About: Avid knitter, crocheter, and sewist of 20+ years

The Backward Loop Cast On is a quick and easy way to add stitches in the middle of your work. Here we are showing adding stitches at the end of a row, but you can also use this method in the middle of a row for something like buttonholes, or in the middle of rounds to create thumb and finger holes for gloves, or countless other applications. This cast on method is stretchy and not as bulky as a cabled cast on.


-Yarn and knitting needles required by pattern

-Your thumbs

Step 1:

Lay the working yarn on top of your left thumb.

Step 2:

Turn your thumb away from you so the yarn twists into a loop around your thumb.

Step 3:

Insert right hand needle into this loop from front to back. Remove thumb from loop.

Step 4:

Tighten new cast on stitch by pulling the working yarn until it is snug against your other stitches.

Step 5:

Repeat Steps 1-4 for as many cast on stitches as you need, making sure to hold your previous cast on stitches in place and pulling snug after each stitch.