Introduction: Bag Made From Old Pj's
Step 1: What You Need
Some old pj's
Some thread
A needle
String or wool for a crochet chain
Buttons (optional)
Some thread
A needle
String or wool for a crochet chain
Buttons (optional)
Step 2: Wondering
Finding the size for you bag, there isn't a specific size so the bigger the better I say
Step 3: Lookin Good
Find other material that looks nice for the bag ( I chose the border on the arm)
Step 4: Nice and Tidy
Make you edged nice and uniform as its better when sewing
Step 5: Duplicate
Make sure you make two side so you can make the bag .......
Step 6: Cutting
Make sure that the two bottom corner are rounder by cutting them
Step 7: Together
Put the material together (one on too of the other) the start sewing the bag leaving around 1 insh on the top ( make sure you sew them upside down as you will turn the bag inside out
Step 8: Nearly Done
When you have done the outside turn it inside out
Step 9: Presentation
Now add the strip/strips of the material onto the top where the string shall pass through
Step 10: Crochet
I didn't have any string so I whipped up a chain of brown crochet wool which made a perfect rope
Step 11: Sew the Flap
Sew the flaps down so there is a gap for the rope to pass through ( when doing this I would recommend that you keep the rope in it first ) I put the string in it by threading it in with the needle
Step 12: Tidy
Tidy up everything and then add buttons to the end of the string/ rope ( it's up to you if you want buttons)
Step 13: Finally
Then once your done out your beloved items in the bag for me I put my gaming headset in ;) hope you enjoyed comment for what I should do next x