Introduction: Baking Soda Powered V6 Engine

In this instructable, I will guide you to create a baking soda powered V6 engine. The engine is powered by 6 syringes, which will serve as the cylinders and pistons. Baking soda and vinegar (or any acid of your choice) will flood the combustion chamber. While this happens the alkaline baking soda will react to the acidic vinegar, causing a chemical reaction resulting in a production of air forcing the piston downward. The power of the other cylinders will force the piston back up, forcing any excess waste through the tanks and out of the engine, then, the same will happening all over again resulting in a circular motion.

Step 1: Gathering Materials and Tools

You will need these supplies and materials to complete this project:

  1. Drill with phillips drill bit
  2. Scissors
  3. Super glue
  4. measuring tape or ruler (and optional protractor)
  1. 2 small plastic bins ( 5" by 7" by 1.5" or less, one has to have two compartments)
  2. Screws
  3. 12 gauge aluminum wire
  4. 6 syringes (10 mL)
  5. Small eye pins (wide enough for 12 gauge)
  6. Wood: 2 12" by 8cm by 2cm,2 10.5" by 8cm by 2cm, 1 3' by 1cm by 1cm, 2 3" by 2 cm by 2 cm, 2 5.5 by 1 cm by 1 cm, 2 4" by 3" by 1cm, 2 8" by 7" by 1 cm boards.
  7. Aquarium airline tubing
  8. Duct Tape
  9. Hot glue gun with hot glue sticks
  10. Baking Soda
  11. Vinegar

Step 2: Building the Base

Cut two 10.5" by 8 cm by 2 cm pieces of wood, and two 12" by 8 cm by 2 cm. Screw together to form a square shaped base.

Step 3: Structure

Cut four 1.5 ft by 1" by 1" pieces of wood and screw onto base 1.5 inches away from sides.

Step 4: Tank Holders

Cut one 7" by 9" piece of wood to fit inside the four beams. Then screw the wood to the inside of the four beams, suspended. Screw the other onto the top of the four beams. Super glue 2 pieces of wood onto sides where cylinders will go.

Step 5: Main Shaft

Bend 12 gauge wire to look like photo:

Step 6: Piston Construction

Drill hole in the bottom of syringe (see photo). Then, thread 12 gauge wire through hole and twist around eyepin. This will give you your cylinder and piston mechanism.

Step 7: Shaft Holders

Drill holes near top of 3" by 4" wood pieces. See picture.

Step 8: Main Shaft

Test to make sure your main shaft (created in step 5), fits into holes and is neither too short nor much too long.

Step 9: Adding Cylinders

Thread main shaft through eye pins on cylinders and glue to beam for cylinders made in step four.

Step 10: Fuel Tank and Combustion Chamber

Drill 3 holes in in sides of combustion chamber (plastic bin #1). Drill two in sides parallel to each other. Drill 4 holes in sides parallel to each other in bin # 2.

Step 11: Tubing

Cut tubes about 6 inches long. Thread into the two holes in combustion chamber and attach other ends to holes in tank. Seal with hot glue. Cut 6 more 6 inch long tubes and thread into three parallel holes and connect to top of syringes.

Step 12: Testing

Pour vinegar into tank in one of the compartments in the top bin, pour baking soda solution in other half of top bin (Baking soda mixed with warm water, half and half). Quickly shut lid of first bin to avoid any escaped air. The two liquids should then flow down the tubing into the combustion chamber (With some air bubbles flowing up the tube to indicate proper sealing.

Step 13: Troubleshooting

If liquid starts pouring pouring out, make sure all connections are air tight. If not seal with hot glue.

If pistons do not move and instead lid pops of combustion chamber, wrap duct tape around to make sure it stays shut.

Ask me in the comments box if you have any other questions.