Introduction: Balloon Powered Pen Gun
This is an extremely powerful pen gun that shoots airsoft bullets or the ink tube of a pen, I shot it and got stuck in my wall.
-Be careful and only use under adult supervison, not!
-Be careful and only use under adult supervison, not!
Step 1: Materials
What you need is:
- Pen
- Scissors
- Rubberband
- And a water balloon
(2 minutes)
- Pen
- Scissors
- Rubberband
- And a water balloon
(2 minutes)
Step 2: Gut the Pen
Just take apart the pen.
Step 3: Cut the Tip
Use your scissors or a knife and cut the top off. P.S.( You may want to duct tape the hole.)
Step 4: Add the Ballon
Put the balloon on one end then wrap a rubberband around it so it doesn't come off.
Step 5: Insert Ammo
When you cut the top off you should have had a hole insert the ammo in
Step 6: Pull Back
Step 7: Fire
...let go...