Introduction: Band-Aid Modifcation to Improve Flexibility and Keep Them On!

About: Im a bit of a geek of all trades. Of late most of my free energy has going into Making sure our hacker/makerspace is awesome! Come check us out!

I find this modification very useful for getting Adhesive Bandages to stick to fingers, especially fingertips.

Yes they make special ones, but standard shape/size ones are more common, and these work great!
This idea may be from a Japanese show called "Urawaza", lifehacker and gizmodo had a youtube link but its gone!.

Step 1: There Is Really Only 2 Steps for This Mod, Cut It, and Put It On.

Take some sharp scissors, and a Band-Aid

You can cut the band-aid in the wrapper or out of it. probably cleaner/safer to do it in the wrapper.

Cut to the pad on both wings of the band aid, like the first photo(im flexing it to show the cuts)

Step 2: Apply!

in this case I'm working with a fingertip wound, these also work well on Knuckles and even on legs and knees elbows, although they are best on fingertips and fingers.

In this case i place the finger with the wound centered on the pad, wrap 2 legs around the finger.
then fold the pad down and wrap the other 2 legs back around to make a nice little cup of bandaid.

when using them on a finger or Knuckle its handy to weave the legs, wrap one a then do the one on the opposite corner, and then the other two.

for as little flesh as is wrapped it stays on well, and protects my cut from bumps.