Introduction: Bar Lacing

About: Hey, my name is Jason. A little bit about myself is that well, I love photography, cooking/baking, creating, etc. About myself physically, I'm a male, I'm 5'7", Brunet. Personality wise, I'm usually…
This will be a tutorial on Another way to Bar Lace your shoes from...

Step 1: String

String the laces evenly over the eyelets.

Step 2: String

Use the right string and go under the right eyelet. the eyelet above the last.

Step 3: String

Take the right string and go straight across (1st bar)

Step 4: String

Take the Left one (the one still in the first eyelet) ad put it through the 3rd eyelet on the right.

Step 5: REPEAT

cross with the right, put the left through the third,cross with the right, put the left through the third. once at the top, put the left through the third again and put the right across again but underneath both eyelets.