Introduction: Bar Robot
Hello, we are students from Singapore Polytechnic. Currently we are doing our Final Year Project (FYP) and we are dealing with sensors and motors. To make our learning process much more interesting, we had decided to create the Bar Robot.
*Note* This project is done by students from Singapore Polytechnic(include Yanning,Kaichi,Keyou,Mengtong,Calvin). Tools and components were provided by our FYP supervisor Mr. Teo Shin Jen.
Step 1: Getting Started
These are the parts used in creating the Bar Robot
1. Servo Motor
2. SaberTooth Motor Driver (
3. 24V Pancake Wheel (x2)
4. Arduino MEGA 2560 (
5. SRF05 Ultra Range Finder (x4) (
6. Sharp GP2Y0A02 Analog IR Sensor (x4) (
7. Metal Plates
8. Wood
9. 24V Battery
10. Water Bottle
11. Plastic Tubing
1. Servo Motor
2. SaberTooth Motor Driver (
3. 24V Pancake Wheel (x2)
4. Arduino MEGA 2560 (
5. SRF05 Ultra Range Finder (x4) (
6. Sharp GP2Y0A02 Analog IR Sensor (x4) (
7. Metal Plates
8. Wood
9. 24V Battery
10. Water Bottle
11. Plastic Tubing
Step 2: Sabertooth
This is the configuration for the sabertooth
M1a & M1b --> Motor 1
M2a&M2b --> Motror 2
B+ & B- ---> Power Supply
0V ---> Microcontroller Ground
S1&S2 --> 5V PWM pin of Microcontroller
M1a & M1b --> Motor 1
M2a&M2b --> Motror 2
B+ & B- ---> Power Supply
0V ---> Microcontroller Ground
S1&S2 --> 5V PWM pin of Microcontroller
Step 3: SRF05 Ultra Range Finder
The image attached is the pin configuration for SRF05.
Range: measures up to 4m
All pins used are digital pins.
SRF-05 has 2 modes.Both modes serves the same purpose but your connection and programming would be different. We are using one of the modes for this project.
Uses sound waves to get distance. Pulses are sent out and received by the sensor.
The time taken when the pulse is sent out to the time it bounces off an object and back to the sensor, with respect to the speed of sound, is used to measure the distance of an object.
Range: measures up to 4m
All pins used are digital pins.
SRF-05 has 2 modes.Both modes serves the same purpose but your connection and programming would be different. We are using one of the modes for this project.
Uses sound waves to get distance. Pulses are sent out and received by the sensor.
The time taken when the pulse is sent out to the time it bounces off an object and back to the sensor, with respect to the speed of sound, is used to measure the distance of an object.
Step 4: Sharp GP2Y0A02 Analog IR Distance Sensor
The IR sensor only has three pins - 5V,GND and I/O pin
It measures from a range of 20cm to 150 cm.
It measures from a range of 20cm to 150 cm.
Step 5: Drinks Dispenser
The image attached is our drinks dispenser. When the switch located at the base is triggered, the servo moves and lowers the plastic tubing allowing the drink to be dispensed.
Step 6: Code
Attached is the code for our project