Introduction: Barrett & Tzib Rover

This is the beginning piece of our BT Rover. The supplies are as listed

30 screws

20 toothed nuts

3 treaded wheels

10 lock nuts

2 VEX motors


1 VEX battery

1 VEX signal transferrer

3 rubber bands

3 signal cords

1 VEX power cord

1VEX controller

2 10 In. 3 by 1 holed metal strips

2 12 In. 3 by 1 holed metal strips

2 4.75 In. 3 by 1 holed metal strips

2 8 In. 3 by 1 holed metal strips

1 10 In 3 by 3 holed metal strip

Step 1: Build the Chasse

Gather the metal stirps and screw them together in a rover formation.

Step 2: Add the Motors

Apply the motors to the back of the rover while attach the wheels to the motors.

Step 3: Adding the Battery, CPU, and Vex Router

Apply the battery to the back of the rover by attaching rubber bands. Then screw the CPU to the front of the rover. Screw in the Vex router to the back of the rover.

Step 4: Wiring the Rover

Apply signal cables to the motors connecting them to ports 1 and 2. And attaching battery to CPU through power cable. Then wire Vex router port 10.

Step 5: Programming the Rover

Then use VEXcodev5 to apply default train program to motors. Signal Vex router to pair to controller.

Step 6:

This is the final project after attaching third wheel to the front of the rover.