Introduction: Batch File Dragon Game
- Press Start
- Type in notepad
- In notepad Copy and Paste the code below:
- In the top right of notepad click File
- Then click Save As
- IMPORTANT: Name the file DragonKill.bat
- Then Click the drop down menu below that says Text Document
- Change it to All Files
- Click save
- Then go to your windows explorer (the file folder icon) then open up the game!
- ENJOY =)
@echo off :menu color 0a cls echo DRAGON KILL echo Choose the number: echo 1. Start game echo 2. Exit set /p menu= if '%menu%'=='1' ( goto sets ) if '%menu%'=='2' ( exit )else goto menu :sets cls set /a money=1000 set /a health=1000 set /a potions=0 set /a damage=2 set /a dd=5 set /a dh=25 set /a moneygain=50 set /a levels=0 set /a new=%dh%+5 :start cls echo Money:%money% echo Health:%health% echo Number of healing potions:%potions% echo Choose the number: echo 1. Venture onward to the dragon echo 2. Go to Store echo 3. Go to Title screen echo 4. Drink heal potion set /p choose= if '%choose%'=='1' ( cls echo DO NOT HOLD THE ENTER KEY pause goto fight ) if '%choose%'=='2' ( goto store ) if '%choose%'=='3' ( goto menu ) if '%choose%'=='4' ( goto nextx )else goto start :fight cls echo Health:%health% echo Dragon's Health:%new% echo You have encountered a dragon pause cls echo Press enter to hit the dragon set /p hit= set /a new=%new%-%damage% if %new% LSS 1 ( goto defeat ) cls echo Health:%health% echo Dragon's Health:%new% echo You have hit the dragon echo The dragon lost %damage% health pause cls echo The dragon has hit you! set /a health=%health%-%dd% if %health% LSS 1 ( goto defeated ) pause cls goto fight :defeat cls set /a dh=%dh%+20 set /a new=%dh% set /a money=%money%+15 set /a levels=%levels%+1 echo You defeated the dragon and earned $15. echo Congratz pause goto start :defeated cls echo Sorry You died!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! echo RIP echo You have killed %levels% dragon pause goto menu :store cls echo Money:%money% echo Welcome to the store! echo Choose: echo 1.Sword Upgrade $700 echo 2.Heal Potion $30 echo 3.Leave Store set /p again= if %again%==1 ( goto buysword ) if %again%==2 ( goto buyheal ) if %again%==3 ( goto start )else goto store</p><p>:buysword cls set /a money=%money%-700 if %money% LSS 0 ( echo You cant buy that! set /a money=%money%+700 pause goto store )else ( set /a damage=%damage%+4 echo You have upgraded your sword pause goto store ) :buyheal cls set /a money=%money%-30 if %money% LSS 0 ( echo You cant buy that! set /a money=%money%+30 pause goto store )else ( set /a potions=%potions%+1 echo You have bought one heal potion pause goto store ) :nextx cls if %potions%==0 ( echo Sorry. You dont have any potions. pause goto start )else ( set /a health=%health%+15 set /a potions=%potions%-1 echo You have used one potion pause goto start )