Introduction: Batch File: War Game
I'm I♥BatchFiles!
I upload a new batch file project every other day. Next batch file project will be on 5/26/16.
How to use this code:
- Open Notepad and Paste the code below into it.
- Click File
- Click Save as
- Save it as War.bat
- Change Text Documents to All Files
- Hit Save
- Now find it in Windows Explorer (that little folder icon) and open it
Batch File War Game
@echo off :menu color 0f cls echo WAR echo Version 1.1 echo Created by Me echo 1. Start game echo 2. Exit choice /c:12 /n > nul if errorlevel 2 goto sure if errorlevel 1 goto start :start :oneplayer set /a health = 1000 set /a money = 1000 set /a otherhealth = 1000 set /a until = 2 set /a cherrybomb = 50 set /a cherrybombcost = 300 set /a missile = 100 set /a missilecost = 500 set /a nuke = 200 set /a nukecost = 700 set /a lightpotion = 100 set /a lightpotioncost = 200 set /a heavypotion = 500 set /a heavypotioncost = 700 set /a defaultcherries = 3 set /a defaultmissiles = 2 set /a defaultnukes = 4 set /a defaultlights = 5 set /a defaultheavies = 7 set land set /a times = 0 cls echo Choose your land: echo A. Atropolis - land of the jungle echo B. Aquadatic - land of the sea echo C. Drylands - land of the desert echo D. Greenleaves - land of the prairie choice /c:abcd /n > nul if errorlevel 1 ( set /a land = 1 ) if errorlevel 2 ( set /a land = 2 ) if errorlevel 3 ( set /a land = 3 ) if errorlevel 4 ( set /a land = 4 ) if %land%==1 set it=Atropolis if %land%==2 set it=Aquadatic if %land%==3 set it=Drylands if %land%==4 set it=Greenleaves :choose REM Choosing opponent's land set /a otherland=%random% %% 4+1 if %otherland%==%land% ( goto choose ) if %otherland%==1 set theirit=Atropolis if %otherland%==2 set theirit=Aquadatic if %otherland%==3 set theirit=Drylands if %otherland%==4 set theirit=Greenleaves REM Creating new variable to set as opponent's land :game if %health% LSS 1 goto lose cls echo %it% echo. echo You are fighting %theirit% echo. echo %theirit%'s health: %otherhealth% echo. echo. echo Your Health: %health% echo Your Money: %money% echo Nukes: %defaultnukes% echo Missiles: %defaultmissiles% echo Cherry Bombs: %defaultcherries% echo. echo Choose: echo 1. Drop a nuke (%defaultnukes%) echo 2. Launch a missile (%defaultmissiles%) echo 3. Drop a cherry bomb :P (%defaultcherries%) echo 4. Open shop echo 5. Drink a light health potion (%defaultlights%) echo 6. Drink a heavy health potion (%defaultheavies%) echo 7. Complete a quest choice /c:1234567 /n > nul if errorlevel 7 goto quest if errorlevel 6 goto heavy if errorlevel 5 goto light if errorlevel 4 goto shop if errorlevel 3 goto cherry if errorlevel 2 goto missile if errorlevel 1 goto nuke :nuke if %defaultnukes% GTR 0 ( set /a otherhealth = %otherhealth%-%nuke% set /a defaultnukes = %defaultnukes%-1 cls echo %it% dropped a nuke on %theirit%! echo %theirit% lost 200 health! ping localhost -n 5 >nul goto other )else ( cls echo You cannot drop any nukes since you have 0. ping localhost -n 5 >nul goto game ) :missile if %defaultmissiles% GTR 0 ( set /a otherhealth = %otherhealth%-%missile% set /a defaultmissiles=%defaultmissiles%-1 cls echo %it% launched a missile on %theirit%! echo %theirit% lost 100 health! ping localhost -n 5 >nul goto other )else ( cls echo You cannot launch any missiles since you have 0. ping localhost -n 5 >nul goto game ) :cherry if %defaultcherries% GTR 0 ( set /a otherhealth = %otherhealth%-%cherrybomb% set /a defaultcherries = %defaultcherries%-1 cls echo %it% dropped a cherry bomb on %theirit%! echo %theirit% lost 50 health! ping localhost -n 5 >nul goto other )else ( cls echo You cannot drop any cherry bombs since you have 0. ping localhost -n 5 >nul goto game ) :light if %defaultlights% GTR 0 ( set /a health = %health%+100 set /a defaultlight = %defaultlight%-1 cls echo You drink a light health potion echo Now it is %theirit%'s turn. ping localhost -n 5 >nul goto other )else ( cls echo You have no light health potions ping localhost -n 5 >nul ) :heavy if %defaultheavies% GTR 0 ( set /a health = %health%+%heavypotion% set /a defaultheavies = %defaultheavies%-1 cls echo You drink a heavy health potion echo Now it is %theirit%'s turn. ping localhost -n 5 >nul goto other )else ( cls echo You have no heavy health potions ping localhost -n 5 >nul ) :shop cls echo Welcome to the shop echo Money: %money% echo 1. Buy Nuke echo Cost: %nukecost% echo Damage: %nuke% echo. echo 2. Buy Missile echo Cost: %missilecost% echo Damage: %missile% echo. echo 3. Buy Cherry Bomb echo Cost: %cherrybombcost% echo Damage: %cherrybomb% echo. echo 4. Buy Light Health Potion echo Cost: %lightpotioncost% echo Heals: %lightpotion% echo. echo 5. Buy Heavy Health Potion echo Cost: %heavypotioncost% echo Heals: %heavypotion% echo. echo 6. Leave store choice /C:123456 /n > nul if errorlevel 6 goto game if errorlevel 5 goto buyheavy if errorlevel 4 goto buylight if errorlevel 3 goto buycherry if errorlevel 2 goto buymissile if errorlevel 1 goto buynuke :buynuke set /a money = %money%-%nukecost% if %money% LSS 0 ( set /a money = %money%+%nukecost% echo You don't have enough money ping localhost -n 5 >nul )else ( set /a defaultnukes = %defaultnukes%+1 echo You have bought one nuke ping localhost -n 5 >nul goto shop ) :buymissile set /a money = %money%-%missilecost% if %money% LSS 0 ( set /a money = %money%+%missilecost% echo You don't have enough money ping localhost -n 5 >nul )else ( set /a defaultmissiles = %defaultmissiles%+1 echo You have bought one missile ping localhost -n 5 >nul goto shop ) :buycherry set /a money = %money%-%cherrybombcost% if %money% LSS 0 ( set /a money = %money%+%cherrybombcost% echo You don't have enough money ping localhost -n 5 >nul )else ( set /a defaultcherries = %defaultcherries%+1 echo You have bought one cherry bomb ping localhost -n 5 >nul goto shop ) :buylight set /a money = %money%-%lightpotioncost% if %money% LSS 0 ( set /a money = %money%+%lightpotioncost% echo You don't have enough money ping localhost -n 5 >nul )else ( set /a defaultlights = %defaultlights%+1 echo You have bought one light potion ping localhost -n 5 >nul goto shop ) :buyheavy set /a money = %money%-%heavypotioncost% if %money% LSS 0 ( set /a money = %money%+%heavypotioncost% echo You don't have enough money ping localhost -n 5 >nul )else ( set /a defaultheavies = %defaultheavies%+1 echo You have bought one heavy potion ping localhost -n 5 >nul goto shop ) :other cls set /a until = until - 1 if %otherhealth% LSS 1 ( goto win ) echo Your opponent is choosing what to do ping localhost -n 5 >nul set /a theirchoose=%random% %% 3+1 if %theirchoose%==1 ( cls set /a health=%health%-200 echo News: %theirit% decides to nuke you! You lose 200 health. ) if %theirchoose%==2 ( cls echo News: %theirit% decides to launch a missile at you! You lose 100 health. set /a health=%health%-100 ) if %theirchoose%==3 ( cls echo News: %theirit% decides to put cherry bombs on your windows. Some how you lose 50 health. set /a health=%health%-50 ) if %until%==0 ( echo Also, %theirit% uses their specially designed potion that no one else has. They gain 200 health. set /a otherhealth=%otherhealth%+200 set /a until=2 ) set /a times = 0 pause goto game :sure cls echo Are you sure you want to quit? echo 1. Yes echo 2. No choice /c:12 /n > nul if errorlevel 2 goto menu if errorlevel 1 exit :win cls echo You win! pause goto menu :lose cls echo Sorry you lose :( pause goto menu :quest cls if %times% == 1 ( echo You have already completed a quest in this turn pause goto game ) set /a times = %times% + 1 echo Complete this quest to earn money echo Yeah this isnt really a quest, its more like a quiz but whatever echo. echo Press S to start choice /c:s /n > nul if errorlevel 1 goto pick :pick cls set /a question=%random% %% 6+1 if %question%==1 goto qo if %question%==2 goto qtw if %question%==3 goto qt if %question%==4 goto qfo if %question%==5 goto qf if %question%==6 goto qs :qo cls echo How much money do you have in this game? set /p answer=(Please do not put any spaces in your answer or it will shut down and no labels): if %answer%==%money% ( cls echo Correct; You earn +300 money ping localhost -n 5 >nul set /a money=%money%+300 goto game )else ( cls echo Incorrect ping localhost -n 5 >nul goto game ) :qtw cls echo What is the other team's name? set /p answer=(Please do not put any spaces in your answer or it will shut down): if %answer%==%theirit% ( cls echo Correct; You earn +700 money ping localhost -n 5 >nul set /a money=%money%+700 goto game )else ( cls echo Incorrect ping localhost -n 5 >nul goto game ) :qt cls echo How much does a cherry bomb cost? set /p answer=(Please do not put any spaces in your answer or it will shut down and no labels): if %answer%==%cherrybombcost% ( cls echo Correct; You earn +500 money ping localhost -n 5 >nul set /a money=%money%+500 goto game )else ( cls echo Incorrect ping localhost -n 5 >nul goto game ) :qfo cls echo What is 40 + 20? set /p answer=(Please do not put any spaces in your answer or it will shut down): if %answer%==60 ( cls echo Correct; You earn +300 money ping localhost -n 5 >nul set /a money=%money%+300 goto game )else ( cls echo Incorrect ping localhost -n 5 >nul goto game ) :qf cls echo What is the fourth option in the store? echo Choose: echo 1. Missile echo 2. Light Potion echo 3. Nuke choice /c:123 /n > nul if errorlevel 3 goto incorrect if errorlevel 2 goto correct if errorlevel 1 goto incorrect :incorrect cls echo Incorrect ping localhost -n 5 >nul goto game :correct cls echo Correct; You earn +600 money set /a money=%money%+600 ping localhost -n 5 >nul goto game :qs cls echo Where does your opponent decide to put cherry bombs on? (This is the hardest question) set /p answer=(Please do not put any spaces in your answer or it will shut down; just one word answer): if %answer%==windows ( cls echo Correct; You earn +900 money ping localhost -n 5 >nul set /a money=%money%+900 goto game )else ( cls echo Incorrect ping localhost -n 5 >nul goto game )