Introduction: Batch Judgment Day (Terminator Refernce)

I'll show you how to make a simple Skynet activation sequence in my first Instructable.

Step 1: Options

You could use the Notepad on windows, but I prefer Notepad++. What ever floats your boat.

Step 2: Open It Up Regardless.

then we type the code.
@ echo off
title Skynet - Cybordyne Systems
echo Activate?
echo Y/N
set /p act=
if %act%==y (
goto Judgement
if %act%==n (
goto Secondary
: Judgement
set /a dep=activating.
set /a loop=0
goto loop
echo %dep%
ping localhost -n 1 >nul
set /a loop=%loop +1
set /a dep=%dep +.
if %loop%==5 (
goto Osnap
goto loop
: Osnap
color C
echo Connection Lost
echo Retry?
echo Y/N
set /p act=
if %act%==y (
echo at %time% on %date%
echo Skynet became self aware.
echo it started a war against it's
echo enemy. the Enemy:
Ping localhost -n 6 >nul
echo Humans
pause >nul)
if %act%==n (
goto Secndary
: Secondary
echo if you said yes...
pause >nul
echo at %time% on %date%
echo Skynet became self aware.
echo it started a war against it's
echo enemy. the Enemy:
Ping localhost -n 6 >nul
echo Humans
pause >nul)

Step 3: Saving

save as anything.bat and then click it.