Introduction: Battery Powered Theo Jansen Machine
this is how to make the battery powered theo jansen machine. to see how to make the theo jansen machine, click the following link -
Step 1:
motor and gearbox
batteries with holder
wire strippers
soldering iron
popsicle sticks
hot glue gun
and of course the pre built theo jansen machine
motor and gearbox
batteries with holder
wire strippers
soldering iron
popsicle sticks
hot glue gun
and of course the pre built theo jansen machine
Step 2:
glue popsicle sticks in the shape of a V on both ends of the machine.
Step 3:
glue the gearbox on the end of the popsicle sticks.
Step 4:
glue the shaft from the gearbox onto the end of the crankshaft.
Step 5:
glue the batteries on the end of the popsicle sticks on othe other end of the machine.
Step 6:
cut 2 pieces of wire and strip the ends off. glue the switch to one of the popsicle sticks. solder one wire and one wire from the batteries to the switch.
Step 7:
solder the wire to the other basttery wire, then solder both wires to the motor.