Introduction: Bear Skin Rug - Faux Fur Miniature

About: I'm a video editor by trade but enjoy making all kinds of things to entertain myself and others.

Here is a faux fur miniature bear skin rug. It is Barbie sized.

The materials I used were:

Basic Felt Sheet

Craft Fur

Sculpey Polymer Clay

Gorilla Glue - Super Glue Gel

Shoe Goo

clear nail polish

acrylic craft paints - black, brown, red and white

Step 1: Bear Head and Claws Sculpture

The head and claws were sculpted from sculpey polymer clay. I made a tinfoil and wire ball-like armature to "fill out" the head and give me a hand hold. The jaws were baked first and then inserted into the open mouth.

The claws were made using a cookie cutter claw shape I made from a strip of metal from a food can. After the claws were baked I used some sand paper to clean up the edges.

Step 2: Paint

The head and claws were painted with acrylic craft paints. The tonigue was painted and super glued into the mouth after the jaws and teeth had been painted. To give the eyes nose,teeth and tongue a glossy effect I coated them with some clear nail polish.

Step 3: Cutting the Rug Shape From the Felt and Fur

I cut out a paper template in the shape of the rug which was pinned to the felt piece and craft fur. I used scissors to cut the shapes. I made sure to leave some extra fur so that I could later wrap the head. I used super glue to hold the craft fur to the head and trimmed the excess away when I had a good fit.

Step 4: Glueing Together

The claws were super glued to semi circular pieces of felt then super glued to the fur. I snipped little slots in the fur for the claws to fit into. Then I used Shoe Goo to glue the fur to the felt. Shoe goo stays flexible and does not soak through the materials.

Step 5: The Ears

The ears are made of little pieces of craft fur that glued in place. I had to trim a bit of fur from the head where the ears would go so that the glue would hold well.

Step 6: Enjoy Your Miniature Bear Skin Rug