Introduction: Beatboxing: Crab Scratch

About: "There's no such thing as a waste of time..."
This is a cool Instructable on how to make a record scratch-like noise with your hand and your mouth. Hope you enjoy! :)

Step 1: Things You'll Need

Things you'll need:
A hand (yours)
A mouth (sorry, Hello Kitty! and I was trying to be funny when I said that)
Lungs (yours)

Step 2: Lip Position

Put your lips in the bottle blow position. (If you're having trouble, look at the image)

Step 3: Hand Position

Put your hand out, but bend your hand like the images and put your thumb at the side and make a gap between your index finger and thumb.

Step 4: Making the Sound

Put your mouth on the gap and inhale (suck in). If done right, it should make a whistling sound. To shape the sound, you can say stuff while inhaling without using your voice. For example, tooka tooka. Experiment with your mouth and tongue and find a good balance.