Introduction: Beats by Destiny and Ashley (DIY Headphones)

Hello, thank you for clicking on this invention. We hope you find it easy to follow.

In any speaker, the 3 main components are the magnet, voice coil, and the diaphragm. The magnet allows for the magnetic field to be produced. The voice coil provides a path for the electric current to travel through, and it strengthens the magnetic field produced by the magnet. The diaphragm amplifies vibrations made from the magnet and coil, to push the sound waves in direct paths.

The voice coil vibrates because when plugged into the audio source, electrical signals flow through the wire, thus turning it into a temporary electromagnet. As the electricity flows through the wires, it either attracts or repels the magnet. This movement pushes the sound waves for the diaphragm to distribute.

Step 1: Retrieve Your Items

The items you'll need are simple, you can get these items at local stores (Michael's, Target) and gas stations (for the lids).

4 icee lids (2 large, 2 small), Copper wire roll (red coating), 2 large neodymium magnets, 2 small neodymium magnets, 1 Scotch brand glue stick, Different kinds of decorative duct tape, Hot glue gun, Pipe Cleaners, Scotch tape, Scissors Sandpaper, 1 aux plug (where you can take the sleeve of it off).

Step 2: Wrapping Wire

Wrap the electrical tape around the bottom of the glue stick, sticky side up 5 times, then put scotch tape around the glue stick a few times around the entirety of the glue stick. Once you finished, start wrapping the wire around the glue stick. Before you begin, make sure you leave an inch of wire so you can sand the end of it later. Now begin to wrap the wire around the glue stick 30 times. (Do NOT overlap the wires)

Step 3: Sanding Wire

Once you're done taking the wire off your glue stick, double check your one inch wire that you had to leave on BOTH sides. Grab the ends and begin sanding. Sand till your wire has the red coating on it is sanded off. Do this process with both sides.

Step 4: Repeating Steps

Simply repeat steps 2-3.

Step 5: Icee Caps

With one of the larger Icee cups, get two small pieces of duck tape precisely the shape of the circular cap, and tape the hole. Then with your smaller magnet, place it on top of the taped hole in the center of the cap. Once you are done with that, attach your larger magnet to the other side of the taped area. (Attention Inventors, do not allow the magnets to attach to each other unexpectedly, this may cause the thinner magnet to break).

Step 6: Coils

Now you are ready to place one of your 30 rolled coils in the middle of your smaller magnet. It is recommended to place your coil in the middle of the magnet. Now with a hot glue gun, glue from the magnet on top of the cap, over the coiled wire, to the outermost of the circle made into the cap.(Make sure to keep the wire still while gluing and to do this process in a few places around the magnet and coil) For the larger magnet, dab the glue around it so it is attached to the tape under it. Before placing the smaller Icee cap on the larger one, grab the two sanded wires and place them on the side of the large cap. The reason we have a smaller lid in this design is for a more protective feel to the headphones. It also projects the sound more when music is played.

Note: We were still testing when we took the video for this step, the electrical tape IS NOT NEEDED to complete this headphone design.

Step 7: Repeating Steps.

Now repeat steps 5-6. Doing this will give you your other headphone piece so we may finish the final product.

Step 8: Soldering

Now get a piece of wire and measure how much you need by putting it over the top of your head and adding an inch of excess wire to either side and cut the wire when your done measuring. Sand both ends of the wire about an inch. Now take one of ends of the new wire and attach it to one of the ends of the coil and solder them together. When soldering, be very careful, this item is hot and can harm you. And be careful with the wire, as it is fragile when pulling on it.

Note: The wire is not supposed to be over the small icee cap, it is supposed to be on both sides of the larger cap.

Step 9: Head Piece

To make the head piece sturdy, wrap foil around the wire, making sure there is an inch of sanded wire visible from the foil. (If your wire is short, sand some more wire and attach by twisting the wire to each other, this should be long enough to go over your head, but please make it a bit longer for this step, this should hopefully not be needed) Once the wire is wrapped in foil, braid six pipe cleaners together, place the pipe cleaners on top of the foil, and make sure the length of the foil is the length as the pipe cleaners. Now the last step is to cover the foil and pipe cleaners with decorative tape, covering all of the foil and pipe cleaners.

Step 10: Finishing Covering Up the Headphones

Now that the headpiece is made, attach the end that is connected to the headphone and make two small tapes on the front and back of the headpiece to securely attach the headphone together with it. (Make sure the wires ARE NOT stressed because it will have a greater risk of breaking if they are pulled too much) Now cut two more wires that reaches from the bottom of your ears to just above your waist and sand both ends of both wires. Now attach one wire to the second end of the nearly completed headphone and solder the connection. Now use a small piece of the tape to securely attach the wire to the cap. Now use big pieces of the decorative tape to completely cover both caps. (Doing this will secure the small cap to the larger cap)

Step 11: Finishing the Headphones

Repeat step 10 with the second headphone and make sure you you use the second wire for this repetition. Once the step is repeated, grab the aux cable and attach the wires from the headphones to the aux cable, making sure the sanded part of the wire is each put through their own hole in the aux cable. (You will see and know what I mean) Make sure to solder both connections, including where the wire goes through the hole. Now use two SMALL pieces of tape to wrap around both connections to make sure your sanded wires don't touch each other. Now use tape to wrap around all the visible wires, from the headphones to the aux cable where the connections are make. (Wrap around both wires to a point, about a rulers' length under the headphones, before taping both wires together.)

Step 12: Checking

In order to check to see if your headphones actually work, plug them into your device and place the volume on 100%. If you do hear sound, great! Yet, if you can only hear the instrumental there can be a problem with the wire connection to the AUX cable, What I recommend doing:

  • Make sure your wires have a good connection in your Icee cap area. As I said before, make sure the wires are sanded thoroughly, otherwise, the sound will be worse because it is not getting the full connection.
  • Make sure none of the wires broke in the process of making the headphones, THE WIRES ARE FRAGILE.
  • Make sure the wires are not tight in the cap area so they can move around, (yes the wires are taped on the ends of the cap.)

Step 13: Your Finished!

If there happens to be any questions please leave them in the comments below.
Thank you for following along!

-Destiny C. and Ashley W.