Introduction: Beer Can Chicken in a Big Green Egg/ Kamado Joe Grill
I've been cooking with my Big Green Egg Clone (Emperor Grill) for the past 3 years. One of my favorite dish, by far, would be the Beer Can Chicken. Similar to many of the other recipes you'll find on the net, my has some variation to the traditional beer in a can and dry rub. Although I've tried cooking with a variety of different beer, but I think the flavor the beer impart is not significant. It's really the cooker and it's ability to retain moisture that count the most. So with this instruction, you can either use 1/2 can of beer, soda pop, or even water. I do like the flavor of added alcohol (Canadian Whiskey) in the dry rub mixture and in the soda pop with about a shot or two of whiskey in the Soda can. I hope you enjoy this Instructable and please provide your feedbacks.