Introduction: Beetlejuice Face Paint
Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice! BEETLEJUICE!
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Step 1: White Face
Using a cream makeup mine is from the makeup forever flash pallet I covered my face
Step 2: Eye Shadow
taking a lavender purple I placed that on my lid and blended it up to my eyebrow, I also placed a little under my eye. I then grabbed a darker purple and placed it on my lid but didn't blend it up as much. after that I took a black eyeshadow and placed it along my lash lines and on my outer corner. then I took a magenta color and just swept it over everything.
Step 3: Moss
taking a stipple sponge and two different shades of green, a shade of black, and a shade of yellow I placed it where I saw fit to act as the moss.
Step 4: Eyebrows
I started off by filling my eyebrows in with black, I then realized that looked bad so I blended the black into the purple.
Step 5: Jacket
I started off by sketching it out then I took white body paint and filled in most the body then took black and added the strips
Step 6: Details
used white to fill in the caller then used black eye shadow to shadow under it
Step 7: Neck
filled in my neck with that cream white, then added the same more moss.