Introduction: Begginer Fish Tank

A simple step by step guide to setting up your first ten gallon tropical fish tank. If you enjoy it please digg it!

Step 1: Information to Know

Welcome to step one. I feel that before you go out and buy all the stuff, you should know a few things about keeping a fish tank.

1. If you want to have a fish tank, your going to have to put in time and commitment.
2. don't try to do something above your level.
3. you WILL have weekly chores.
4. fish are alive. treat them that way.
5. have lots of paper towels ready

Step 2: Scout Out a Location

Alright, it's time to find somewhere to put the thing. Find the room you want to put it in, perhaps the living room for all to see, or the bedroom for you and you alone to watch. Whene finding a spot you have to take a few things into consideration.

It should NOT be by any of the following:

places where peoplengo to and fro a lot.

Lets consider an area that it SHOULD be around:

close to sources of water
area with a fair amount of space
electrical outlets.

Step 3: Lets Buy! Main Equipment.

Since its a bigginer tank, we won't get into any serious aquascaping (making it look like the natural inviroment of the fish you have) but if you have a fish store owner who knows his stuff and can help you, go for it!

We'll buy the fish later, first lets start with the equipment.

The tank. We are setting up a ten gallon tank, so you should buy a glass or acrylic ten gallon tank. If you can buy a ten gallon aquarium kit (usually contain chemicals, the tank, a filter system and a lid) thats great, but you will still need to buy more. Starting to sound exspensive!

Lets say you dont have a kit. You will need to buy a SNUG fitting lid to go on top of the tank. perferably one with a built in light (such a florescent) or you will have to set that up yourself later.

Alright! We have a tank! lets move on!
Say you dont have a kit, or it didnt come with a filter. Lets buy that next! There are many different filter types, all with many different ways of getting the job done. Lets start with a simple filter that hangs on the back of the tank called a power filter, which contains a sponge and activated carbon inserts.

Speaking of the filter, lets buy another carbon filter insert for your filter for when the other one should be changed. Also, buy a foam insert.

Heater. A very important peice of a tropical fish tank. Buy a heater thats rated for a ten gallon tank, and dont buy a cheap one thats going to break. You should buy one with a built in thermometer that keeps the temperature constant. another thing we have to buy is a thermometer. They come as stickers you can apply to the outside of the tank, or more expensive ones that stay in the water on the inside of the tank.

Air pump. why not? it provides your tank with vital airation and can be used in conjunction with a moving decoration. buy an airstone to go with it. Also, some airline tubing that will fir tightly around its nozzle.


We need two chemicals. Prime (chlorine, chloramine, ammonia cleaner, also detoxifies nitrite and nitrate, provides slime coat) and stress zyme biological filtration booster.

Buckets etc.

Buy a bucket to only be used for the fish tank. Do not clean with any chemical cleaners. just water. also, a few nets and a gravel cleaner.

Lastly, a power bar.

Step 4: Lets Buy! Gravel Etc.

Alright! Time for some cool stuff!

Gravel. So many different colors. Why not choose a combination of colors? Buy enough to cover about an inch of the bottom.

Plants. Lets go with plastic. Buy a few for your fish to hide around

Ornaments. Buy some for your fish to hide around.

Pnumatic? If you feel you must buy a clam, chest or something else that opens and bubbles, go ahead!

Background paper. Buy it by the mile.

Step 5: Setting Up the Tank

No, no fish yet.

Okay! Lets start. First, place your stand where you are going to set up your fish tank. Then, before you put the tank on it, put the tank on a counter, ad a LITTLE water, about and inch, and check for leaks. It's not very good if you fill it up and it leaks.

Now, place your tank on the stand. Take your gravel out of the packages and put it in the sink or the bucket you bought. Wash it with throughly water NO SOAP OR OTHER CLEANERS! Place your gravel at the bottom. Now, take any plants and ornaments and wash them, and place them in the tank. Set up any pnumatic parts now. Do not run them. Think about set up, and a good display. Fill your bucket with water, take it to the tank, fill and repeat until the water is an inch from the top. Put on the lid and the filter, and place the air pump wherever it wont move. Set up the heater in a corner of the tank. Plug the power bar into the wall, and place on the ground Put the heater on the lowest temperature, and plug it in. Then set it to about 76 F, or 24 C. Add the thermometer. Now, clean the activated carbon and sponge inserts for your filter, and put them in. Pour water into your filter until it pours into your tank, and plug it in. Plug in your air pump and light, and voila! The tank is set up.

Step 6: Chemicals

Argh. STILL no fish.

First, we have to add chemicals.

Add stress zyme and chlorine remover to the water, following the manufacturers instructions.

Wait. 24 hours. Once 24 hours is up, go get your water checked at the pet store. It should be ready.

Step 7: Fish!

Fish! It's time for FISH!

Lets go get some fish.

To the pet store!

Try to go to a smaller fish store that specilizes in fish.

Lets start with some harlequin rasboras. three.

Bring em home, and float the bags they are in the water for ten minutes. Then add the bag of water to your aquarium.


From now on, do not add the water that comes with the fish to your fishtank. Instead, add some of your fishtank water to the bag, then, use a net to put them in your tank.

Step 8: Caring for Fish

Caring for fish.

Lets start with water.

For the first month, change about a pitcher of water a day.
When you add the new water, treat it with the chemicals

After a month, change your water twice weekly (about on 1/3rd of it)

Make sure to get your water checked WEEKLY, and follow any instructions from store owners to keep it clean.

Gravel. Use the gravel cleaner to clean the gravel. Once weekly.

Filter. Change the activated carbon insert according to the manufacturers instructions. DO NOT CHANGE THE SPONGE FILTER! It contains helpful bacteria that you need! Gently rinse with water if needed.

Feed your fish only what they completely eat in five minutes. No more.

Daily: Check the fish to see if they are acting strange or have disease. Ask a fish store owner on how to treat it. Check the water temperature, all of the equipment, and the clarity of the water. Feed.

Step 9: More Fish?

Before you get more fish, wait about a month, get your water checked, and ask a fish store owner what would go well with what you have!

Step 10: Enjoy.

Enjoy your fish.

Do not use this instructable as your complete guide. Read books and ask fish store owners about different aspects of fishkeeping, and remember, have fun.

Tip: Try to find a fishstore owner who genuenly seems interested in your fishtank, and not just what you are buying, and doesnt try to up-sell you.