Introduction: Beginners 2 Stich Crochet Dress
You only have to know 2 Stitches to crochet this!! Plus, the size is very easily adaptable. (The biggest issue in changing the size is to make sure you have enough yarn.) You will use single crochet, slip stitch, and, as with any crochet project, chain stitch. You will also learn how to crochet a beautiful trim on your dress using a very simple stitch that consists of single crochet and slip stitches. This is an excellent project if you have crocheted a little bit before.
Step 1: Get Your Supplies...
First you need about 20 ounces of yarn for your main color, and 5 ounces for optional trim. This amount of yarn if for a small/slim sized dress. Remember to get more yarn if you plan to make it bigger! To cut down on the cost, you can use acrylic yarn. I used wool yarn, which is somewhat scratchy but is warm and water resistant. Get DK weight (double knitting weight or weight 3) yarn. I got my navy blue DK weight wool yarn for around $16 a pound. The only other things you need are your crochet hook(size G/6),a yarn needle, scissors, and depending, you may want a camisole to wear under it.
Step 2: Getting the Idea
I had looked for crochet dresses online before but could not find a free, clear pattern of a dress that was not sleeveless. So, I created this dress pattern. To make this simpler, I just want to describe what you are going to make before you start. We are going to start at about the natural waist line, crochet to the bottom, then go back to where we started, and crochet up so that it looks like a strapless dress. Then we will add the sleeves and crochet the trim and ribbon. I also made a diagram version of this. It may be easier to look at the diagram than to read:)
Step 3: Getting Started
I started my dress a little above my natural waist and crocheted down to the bottom. To start, take your measurement there. Crochet a chain that is about 1 or 2 inches longer. Don't join your chain yet or it will twist! Crochet your first row in single crochet. Now join the ends together with a slip stitch, and crochet in single crochet down till you reach were you want the dress to come out a bit (at your waist). Then, increase in every stitch. What that means is that in every stitch, crochet the stitch twice in the same hole. Now, crochet in single crochet to the length of the dress you want. This will take quite a bit of time, since the rows are so long! End it off.
Step 4: Doing the Bodice
Now you should have a piece that resembles a skirt with a somewhat high waist. Start at the top and crochet up. You may or may not need to decrease for the top to fit. If you find it is too wide, then decrease by putting your hook into the next hole, getting a loop, and then do the same for the next stitch. You should have 3 loops on the hook. Bring the last loop through the other 2. Do this for every stitch or every other stitch depending on how much you need to decrease. You may have to rip it out and try again till you get the right amount decreased. When you are finished with this step, you should have what looks something like a strapless dress.
Step 5: Finally...making the Sleeves
You are almost done!! After the sleeves are made you need only to crochet the trim and make the ribbon! Shaping the sleeves is probably the hardest part, so it may take some time to get it right. What I did was put the dress on, then I took yarn and a crochet hook and made a slip knot. Then you put your hook in where you want the sleeve to start, and crochet a chain long enough so that it will reach where you want you sleeve to end. This may be a bit tricky to understand so it may be easier to look at the diagram and or pictures. Once you have that done on both sides, crochet up, crocheting over the chains you have made instead of the part you have been working on in that section (you made need to decrease a bit). When you know you have reached far enough up (you will have to be trying on frequently!), end off. You dress is now finished except for the trim and ribbon!
Step 6: Finish!!!
Now for the fun part! Crocheting the trim and crocheting the ribbon. This is the easiest part. To crochet the ribbon just make a chain long enough to tie around your waist in a ribbon. Then single crochet to desired width. For the trim, get the yarn you used for the ribbon (I used milky white) and tie a slip knot. Make 5 single crochets in the same stitch, then make a slip stitch in the next stitch, repeating the pattern till finished. For the armholes, I just crocheted single crochet and then increased double on the second row (made 2 stitches in each stitch)and crocheted a few more rows.
Step 7: Touch Ups
Weave in any tails with the yarn needle. You can also embroider designs on your dress or crochet flowers or butterflies to put on your dress! Enjoy your completed work!!