Introduction: HTML
Tags are always between a "less than" (< ) and a "greater than" sign (> ). Most tags have a closing tag, with a forward slash. Some tags may have attributes that influence its behavior. Some attributes are defined with data between quotation marks. Tags always embrace each other. Use uppercase characters to make the tags stand out. Basic web page
HTML tags start and end the document. The HEAD section contains the TITLE of the webpage, appearing in the title bar of the browser window. The BODY tags contain the actual webpage. All these tags appear only once in every webpage. All other tags described on this page are only usable between the BODY tags.
Put your text here.
Text can be made bold with a B tag, italic with the I tag, and underlined with the U tag. These tags may be combined.
Headers are constructed with the Hn tag, in which n is 1 for the biggest, through 6 for the smallest header.
Line breaks are made with the BR tag, paragraphs are constructed with the P tag, they skip a line.
You can add a picture with the IMG tag. The picture itself is a separate file and is called with the SRC attribute. The WIDTH and HEIGHT attributes determine its size and make the page appear faster. The ALT attribute adds a description of the image. The BORDER attribute can add a border around the image. Use only GIF and JPG files.
Tags are always between a "less than" (< ) and a "greater than" sign (> ). Most tags have a closing tag, with a forward slash. Some tags may have attributes that influence its behavior. Some attributes are defined with data between quotation marks. Tags always embrace each other. Use uppercase characters to make the tags stand out. Basic web page
HTML tags start and end the document. The HEAD section contains the TITLE of the webpage, appearing in the title bar of the browser window. The BODY tags contain the actual webpage. All these tags appear only once in every webpage. All other tags described on this page are only usable between the BODY tags.
Put your text here.
Text can be made bold with a B tag, italic with the I tag, and underlined with the U tag. These tags may be combined.
Headers are constructed with the Hn tag, in which n is 1 for the biggest, through 6 for the smallest header.
very small
Line breaks are made with the BR tag, paragraphs are constructed with the P tag, they skip a line.
line break
You can add a picture with the IMG tag. The picture itself is a separate file and is called with the SRC attribute. The WIDTH and HEIGHT attributes determine its size and make the page appear faster. The ALT attribute adds a description of the image. The BORDER attribute can add a border around the image. Use only GIF and JPG files.