Introduction: Best Bunting!

About: I work for a charity most of the time but when i,m not i am a wood tuner, former teacher, artist and prop maker, developer and researcher residing in the UK. I cannot think of anything better than the exciteme…

Everyone wants bunting - Its got so many uses.

Think about it you can hang it up for special occasions, (Weddings, Pi day, Birthdays, Friday)

But most bunting isn't the best quality - It's just not good enough.

The solution is to go all out and make the best bunting possible.

Heads up. For this project you will need (or at least it will be easier if you have)

A sewing machine

Normal and bias binding feet for your sewing machine

Fabric.(any type you like - I go for snazzy because I'm awesome like that, but if your more interested in plain this is your choice)

Bias binding (you can buy this or make it from scratch - or use ribbon or whatever. I like binding because it's best)

Scissors (fabric scissors are best- don't let anyone use your fabric scissors to cut paper - it dulls the edge and makes adorable things cry)

Safety pins (technically not needed but comes in handy)

Normal dressmakers pins

Some card (I used an empty cereal box)

Something to mark your fabric, i.e. Tailors chalk/a pen/ conti crayon/ pencil - as long as it works it works.

Step 1: Making Your Template.

The standard design is a triangle.

I chose to use the width of an A4 sheet of paper to mark a square. Then folded the paper in half to find the half way point. I marked this on one of the sides of the square and drew lines to each opposing point.

This gave me a triangle that I was pretty much happy with.

It's your bunting, go nuts if you want wang bunting, panda bunting or pretty much any shape you want this is the time to make that decision.. Just be aware panda bunting might not tessellate as nicely as a triangle and you might end up with a bit more waste.

Once you are done drawing your shape - cut it out.

Step 2: Use Your Template to Draw Your Cutting Pattern.

You know the shape you just drew and cut out?

Grab the fabric you want to make your bunting flags with and ether fold it in 2 so you can work double thick or work 1 thickness and start drawing your shape on it as many times as you can without overlapping.

Draw on the reverse of the pattern.

Step 3: Cut Out Your Flag Shapes.

Cut out your flag shapes.

If you are working double thick it might be a little bit difficult to get super accurate cuts for the 2 layers at once.
I like to make sure the 2 layers stay together with a safety pin.Keeping the reverse side of the fabric facing out.

Make sure you cut out the pieces with a straight grain, otherwise the flags won't hang nice.

Step 4: Sew It Like the Dickens.

I like to follow a line when sewing, but this is really a case of however you like to do it.

I sewed to the point then came back up leaving the short edge open

Step 5: ​Cut Down to the Point and Turn the Bunting the Right Way Round Then Iron/ Press.

Cut down to the point and turn the bunting the right way round then iron/ press.

Its easier to get a nice sharp point if you don't have lots of material surrounding it. Cut the excess material off and turn the inside out bunting the right way round.
You might want to have something handy to help poke out the point (like a blunt pencil)

Iron the bunting flat and admire your work.

If your template is stiff enough you can use it as a stiffener inside while you iron the bunting so that it irons it in perfect shape.

This is a great time to have a cup of tea or if you're like me your 5th cup of tea since starting the bunting.

After your cup of tea (I recommend Lancashire tea because its the way tea should be).
You might want to think about embellishments for your bunting flags, you could add binding or lace to the outsides of the flags, you could add some details to the centers etc. I am happy with the patters on my flags and don't think embellishment is needed.

Step 6: Using a Bias Binding Foot Attach Binding to the Bunting.

You don't need a binding foot to do this but it does make the job a whole lot easier and easier to get beautiful results.

Pin the bunting to the binding and then run it through the machine. (Remember that at this point you're essentially working the needle through 6 lairs of fabric so go easy on it.)

Step 7: Take Your Pile of Exquisite Bunting and Hang It Up.

Take your pile of exquisite bunting and hang it up.

You don't have to hang it up you might want to store it. I recommend wrapping it around some thing like a cardboard tube if your going to store it. To avoid creasing and tangling. (in reality good bunting resists tangling a lot more than rubbish bunting)

If your displaying it then now is the time to have a cup of tea and celebrate a job well done.