Introduction: Bic Rocket Launcher

About: scholarship to ERAU, going for pilot's lisense when I'm 16 prefer to read html rather than page shot a twizzler with a bb gun from 10 ft.ect...
Today: a rocket launcher made out of a bic mechanical pencil.
Tomorrow: mini warheads

Step 1: Gather Materials

you'll need;
a bic mecanical pencil,
some scotch tape,
thread or other fuse,
propellent(I used match heads,
and a vice grip or
other means of breaking off the cap

Step 2: Crack It Open

Break off the cap and anything in it (after removing the grip)then pull out the led cartridge.

Step 3: Final Assembly

Tape the cap to the part where the eraser used to be and put the grip in the clip as a sight or grip.(optional)it should look like the second image

Step 4: Final Prep

insert a 4 or so in. long piece of thread in the hole in the back of the ammo then put in your propellent of choice.Matcheads work fine especially if you crush them into a powder.

Step 5: Troubleshooting

you can't figure out how to fire it:the cat is smarter than you
you want to sue me:for what you did all on your own?
you are bored:get lost