Introduction: Bicycle Seat Condom
During the Fall semester I started riding my bike to school and learned I hated riding in the rain after a seven hour class. I dreaded the idea of riding in the rain with a wet bike seat causing me to stand while pedaling. Luckily, being surrounded by Low density polyethylene (LDPE) cutoffs in the studio I began experimenting with vacuum forming this material to create a reusable bicycle seat cover that is durable, flexible, and waterproof.
Step 1: Materials Needed
1 Sheet of LDPE (Low density polyethylene) cut to designated size of a vacuum former
Here is a link on information about LDPE
2 Sets of Grommets
1 Bungee Cord
1 Marker (Erasable markers work the best
1 Vacuum Former
Here is a link to make a good, cheap, upgradeable sheet vacuum former
Scissors and Razor Blade
1 Sheet of LDPE (Low density polyethylene) cut to designated size of a vacuum former
Here is a link on information about LDPE
2 Sets of Grommets
1 Bungee Cord
1 Marker (Erasable markers work the best
1 Vacuum Former
Here is a link to make a good, cheap, upgradeable sheet vacuum former
Scissors and Razor Blade
Step 2: Step 1: Retrieve Bike
Step 1: Retrieve your bike and bring it into a safe clean area.
Step 3: Step 2: Remove Bike Seat
Step 2: Locate your bike seat and remove it from the seat post.
Step 4: Step 3: Find Vacuum Former
Step 3: Locate a vacuum former and place the seat at a diagonal on the tray. The placement of the bike seat on the vacuum tray will help keep the seat from moving and displace the LDPE better.
Step 5: Step 4: Warm Vacuum Former
Step 4: Turn on the Vacuum former and allow it to warm up. REMEMBER to keep the bike seat tray down while the warming up to keep bike seat from melting.
Step 6: Step 5: Forming the LDPE
Step 5: When the LDPE is soft enough remove the heating component and raise the vacuum bed. REMEMBER to remove the heating component
Step 7: Step 6: Helpful Hint
Step 6: Turn the vacuum on an off in short bursts to allow the LDPE to form around the seat without tearing. The LDPE is soft when warm which will may cause a hole from the force of the vacuum.
Step 8: Step 7: Marking
Step 7: Allow the LDPE to cool and remove the tray. Draw a line around the seat with an erasable marker. (Hint: Erasable markers are the best)
Step 9: Step 8: Cutting and Attaching Grommets
Step 8: Cut out the LDPE using scissors and a razor blade. I like to use small scissors at the end to cleanup my cuts. Draw marks in the center of the seat and attach the grommets. When grommets are attached hook your bungee cord to the grommets and give a slight pull to test for tearing.
Step 10: Congratulations
Congratulations! You have successfully made a Bike Seat Condom. Go outside and ride in the rain with your new creation.